[have been seeing St Marta the Dominator everywhere this week, and because I don't believe in coincidences, I note she appeared at a time when I was wondering how to deal with the racist assholes I work with. I second guessed myself however, and dismissed her because I figured she was a White saint and had nothing to offer me. As it turns out, she is anything but a White saint, and has plenty to offer.
"Santa Marta la Dominadora or Saint Martha the Dominator as she is known in English is an unpredictable Loa that is known as a Saint, a Sorceress, a witch, a healer and even a Demon." via
Houngan Asogwe O'ryan
"This last altar belongs to my beloved St. Martha the Dominator. I
have worked with her for many, many years. She is very powerful when it
comes to any type of male dominance work or enemy work. She will work
within minutes of being petitioned. I have seen her work miracles. Her
main colors are green and purple. St Martha is not real crazy about
men. She works hard and fast on them. The type of work Saint Martha is
known for is not suited for everyone; some workers won’t touch it. She
is a saint for women and she will deal with men with a heavy hand.
Saint Martha the Dominator is not only a dominator of men but of all
situations where you need to get the upper hand. Sometimes we all have
jealous coworkers or someone competing unfairly against your business. "
From the Conjure Workbook #She sounds perfect and touch her work I shall!]
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