Karen Bart-Alexander: " Maven one of the biggest problems we have in this country is our inability to use our best minds. Too many people like you are rendered useless by the system because the system resists those who interrupt its backwardness."
Semper Liesl : "They don't mind if it exists, as long as it serving them! making them look good. If you make so bold as to use YOUR POWER to move YOURSELF forward however, is chubble."
JAM, Esq: "My Dear Melise,
How are you my dear? Hope this message reaches you feeling well and doing you Boo.
is wheh yuh disappear to. I've been using the MSU account, but got
message that it's no good, and never heard from you (my email has not
changed in decades).
Just wanted to touch base with you and send you LOTS of positive vibes for all that is good, and pure, and love."
"Okay, Lady M. Just as mysterious as ever.
You have moved me to tears. I am so glad that you responded, and just for that I'm not going to cuss yuh out for disappearing.
Girl, YOU ARE A STAR, WERE A STAR, AND WILL ALWAYS BE A STAR. And ignore anyone who tries to have you believe otherwise.
Nuff Nuff Lil Sis. Always in my prayers and laughter and thoughts
of goodness and silliness. YOU ARE A STAR. Tell dem ah seh suh.
Be Blessed
" Melise, yuh crazy fuh so. Liver and eyeball 
Girl, I only
thought that you wouldn't respond because of wanting to be left alone,
not because of anything else. Yuh aint do me nuttin.
"Hey Lady M,
But for the
record, you have not only been on my mind, but you have appeared in my
dreams (don't remember what I dreamed, but it was positive), so I said, I
am going to find Miss Missy, and I'm glad I did.
Okay, dahlin, I'm really off to bed. I will be in touch. Please give my regards to Aunt Marjorie."
"Hey Lady M,
Hope you had a really beautiful Tuesday.
Girl I cannot remember the dreams, but I know that they were not
negative. I am not surprised that I dreamed about you because I've been
thinking about your whereabouts. I know I spoke with Jose in May when
she had a conference in East Lansing, and then I spoke with Brenda and
of course I asked whether either had heard anything from you. So rest
assured that the dreams were a sure conjuring up of my little sister
about whom I had no information.
Well my dear, are you married, divorced,
running for political office, kicked out of political office, or just
chilling with your millions? Just do you Boo. It's all good. As long
as Lady M is happy that's all that matters. Ah gone.
Nuff love,
Big Sis, Jackie"
"Okay, Lady M. Just as mysterious as ever.
I am not going to condone the smoking, especially not at this late date.
You are too grown and too earthy, and too health-conscious to take up smoking now, unless
of course it is the "natural herb". Enuff said on dat.
Only the Four Seasons will let me wait to hear the rest, but in the meantime, PLEASE BE KIND TO YOURSELF,
HOLD ON TO YOUR DREAMS, AND REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE A STAR!!! You are Melise, Yuh fuh-get or wat!
Ah gone.
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