there so many things we need to do in this country eh
like now, if not before. like thirty years ago. but now. the time and call and demand is now. more than ever before. and i need not be so vague . these are things the pnm and the pnm government need to do immediately. and something i notice of myself. I cannot write government without writing pnm. and it shows how much the place has trained and cultivated me. and how much they are not doing to morph into a government but still remaining a party after elections. that is not a good thing. nevertheless.
the list of things are:
1. complete an economic map of this county.
an INput/OUTput Economic Model
that outlines all our industries, sub industries, fields and itemizes the rate
of return on a $1.00 investment in terms of employment, citizen income,
gdp, revenues, taxes, etc.
i am amused. as much as i write that, not one soul has ever engaged me
on it. and i believe it is because it is over people's heads and they not
even honest enough to process it as much as they want to talk and
banter about the country, its future, and policies. etc
2. complete an economic diversification plan
from oil and gas
to identify the areas, fields and operations that will bring the longest
sustained long term benefits, integenerationally, and without damaging our
natural assets.
a good diversification plan would and is paired with an input output study
and model so people arent sitting at a desk deciding out of their ass and
thin air, what industries to develop
i realize too that we are at a disadvantage, cause no matter what we set
out to do we make mincemeat, mass and detriment out of it, and it is
because we dont know how to do nary a thing. not even clean ourselves
and i have proof of that
3. set up such an Asset Recovery Unit.
imagine. Guyana get one before Trinidad/
proof of some things.
4. Citizen Guidance Group
i also now realize the fourth thing the country needs is an airtight group
made up of totally marginalized, not at the trough of treasury citizens or
member groups to push, guide and instruct whatever government what
action to take, when and how. cause these folk, all of them that ever
existed from now to fifty years before, are bereft. they only know trains,
buses, buildings, roads and drains.. absolutely nothing else. they dont
know how to teach people to build a nation. they do not know how to
5. build marijuana and hemp production into an export, medicinal, locally
subsidized, regulated industry
and supply the US and Europe
we would be rich once again.
do asset recovery and export of marijuana right now and "recession?
what recession?"
6. Based on many of these items, Conduct and Complete a Human
Resource Demand Timeline by Skill, Talents, Professions. Specialties and
Fields. No more Lawyers. Send them to the sea/or carrera
7. Build an Organic Food Production Center in Moruga/
In connection with Green Technologies (Solar, Wind, Sea mechanisms)
for energy and harvesting.
8. Build a Rapid Rail to Tobago!
to move people, containers, machinery and vehicles. so it will have to be
tailored to our needs and not just a people mover.
If connected, Tobago would not talk nor make need of succession dreams
costs of living there may go down, as well as the island will change
irreparably, so this one is not so iron clad. much thought needs to be
discussed as to the desired and undesired impacts. it solves one
problem, but may open a pandora of others
If the PNM did these eight things, and nothing more. they would be a resounding success. it just hit me too, these governments dont do anything. it is a recipe. they get elected and they go in. and fight with cpo, the unions, have bacchanal, corruption, thievery and scandal. build roads, buildings, drains. and elections again. Not one propels the country forward. i find that amusing.
Signed, Dr. MD Huggins
Signed, Dr. MD Huggins
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