Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Social Media and New DownLine Protocols: Advance Prospects for Network MulitLevel Marketing Ethics and Success

After years of shunning the sham scam pyramid scheme OrGano Gold...

From since 2010 or so I had my reiki teacher try to get me to buy into the scheme and he did so with such a craven energy that i was not mistaken to run in the opposite direction. He did let me sample the green tea after a massage/reiki session and the tea woke me up from a slumber of two to an energy of ten. So i was convinced. So much so I never tried the coffee pack he let me go with: I thought if the green tea had such an effect the coffee might have me on the moon looking for a way to get back down to earth. No thank you.

But Sunday, my girlfriend Apollonia tells me she is doing OrGano Gold. Her intent so infectious. Though she spoke of money and being a millionaire by this year and claiming her fortunes...comments that would most easily turn me off or onto a cult or scheme that i must avoid . Instead I was with her . Because I have my own schemes and plans and dreams for this 2014 that are all novel, visionary and bold. So i concurred.

But it was not just that. Seems as if she got in on stateside at a relatively high up organizational level so she is talking to the real big wigs. And i hear plans and talk of taking this to Nigeria, a country of endless populations, endless links, never ending source of downstream down line users, supporters and registrants. So the chances of pyramid crash is limited.

But my ideas at this time are vastly different from before. IN fact this time, this year, I have ideas, whereas before the opportunity was just a pyramid scheme. This time I have ideas of how this scheme can work for me beyond just getting blind adherents to sign up and pay their money. I understand its optimal operations a lot better.

It is not sufficient to merely sign up new participants
One must sign up busy effective productive worker bee sales marketing animals-- always looking for a new angle and full of endless populations. Population and Environmental Saturation is a risk

After a sign up the signee must come with purchases for coffee and endless signees of purchase coffee or drink orders to make it profitable. The more signees to a circle and network, the hungrier the environment, the more extreme and desperate the conditions the better for this kind of operations. Nigeria comes to mind.

But because of all the risk, this must not be entered into slavishly or blindly. Like for me, I am building a model where I am finding my signees before I enter. IF i were to gain a big enough circle, I would instruct them all to do the same thing I am doing currently and I have: Do the research. Collect information.  Make your personal assessments of risk, prospects, use and concerns.

At the end of the day this still is a scam if you do not work the angles. This is a pyramid scheme if the top does not look out for the interest of the bottom and integrate caution and elements to avoid failure, crash and loss against members.

All i am trying to do is map out ways by which to blunt or avoid the risks of such network multilevel schemes. And i think i have some elements. They are the following:

I immediately think of social media and how network, multilevel marketing is made for it, how social media drives that engine effortlessly, one is the car the other is the premium gas. Who knew? Who thought of it: a ready network of friends and connections; a ready link scheme of referrals. It is like the two were made for each other> HOWEVER>..this can only be explored with those persons who have the utmost and complete respect and regard and trust for you. Otherwise, you are just hawking, marketing and spamming. HUGE NO NO!!

I see a means for every facebooker to use their friends, family and circles to sell to, ever expanding should they have profiles like mine that are international and not in any way insular. So i have friends from the Phillipines, Sri Lanka, throughout Africa, the Middle East. I am also part of many groups and not all groups translate into this successfully...a group of single fathers would. a group of black businesses. both in trinidad would not. One has more link potential. One will run out of registrants quicker than the other. One has a greater risk for sooner failure than the other.

Then i also heard how this company goes into new countries and sets up arrangements to work: Brazil has shut them out to protect their own coffee - good job Brazil, but Jamaica went into partnership with them to package Blue Mountain...and again my brain light bulb went on...though Trinidad does not have a brand which is amazing to and cocoa...the latter of the best quality in the globe for hundreds of years there is no trinidad brand of either. Chocolatiers have been in trinidad for hundreds of years owning estates, buying raw product inputs at pennies to make what was and still is a luxury value added.. So here is an opportunity to make a national brand of both.

Here is an opportunity to get OrGano Gold to buy into and contract both coffee and cocoa plantations and in so doing build a national revitalization initiative and business. 

But that is another brilliant idea i let OrGano Gold bring out a brand of Trinidad Cocoa and have it as one of their items. There is such potential for this company and Trinidad and potential for me and how i would run this enterprise should I buy in..endless.

I see it as a vehicle for poverty alleviation in developing countries with massive burgeoning populations like Nigeria and other African countries, China, India, and Latin America. I see folk who do development work, with women, single mothers, single fathers, unions, -- groups already configured, operating and made as an easy mix with OrGano Gold.

People like my sister Olu who works with women in Nigeria but also regularly travels and visits India and Pakistan

And how these groups operate is seminal. Not as exploitation models but one of collectives and closed circles that both purchase and buy...and use the money to fund other programs and self- help initiatives. Not for personal gain unless one wants to branch out and create their own and another network. I also see because of these groups they can structure themselves to alleviate a crash. If they work collectively from to to bottom, as egalitarians. And if they have as a requirement the collective purchase of the product or subsidized among them all where ever possible.

Then today, another option surfaced...Of artists in developing countries. One of my friends I introduced the idea to consider and research yesterday wrote me back..he is an artist...offering to give me twenty or so of his paintings which i can frame and sell and use that money as registration buy in.
And that is a means as well. The idea that money is not needed to buy in the US$1500. So someone in one move both expands the awareness of their skill and sale of art internationally and is set up to get some kind of benefit from the OrGano Gold enterprise provided someone continues building the circle, working the network downline for that artist.

I am sure there are more avenues possible:

I think it might be possible to  marry product lines or services. What if a distributor was a spa owner or restauranteur and incorporating the costs of operations and purchases of the product into their services. so the clients get benefits and that distributor keeps making money. Provided your country location and service can absorb that price integration.. This idea applies to people who own and operate spas, retreats, conference centers, bed and breakfast, cafe's or tea shops. Serve and stock the product. you buy to sell to clients. Billed as Health product

Is a caution. There is no point in signing up people who are not major coffee drinkers or lovers. So the last point is Use your Product, Sign up people who are product users and this would make great stride I think into countries and regions who are major Coffee ALL Day ALL Night Drinkers Coffee Tea and Cocoa!!!

I shall end here

But i wanted to write this. Maybe i am giving away ideas for free. But it is also an offer, rather than you trying and messing it up you can contact me and we can build our own network , i implementing and constructing these ideas. this is what i do by the way: My profession: structuring and setting up, implementing and monitoring protocols for everything under the sun and to accomplish goals and avoid risks.

I wanted to document my ideas and see if there was any pick up


Write me If You Ready TO Jump, Build and Swim: []

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