this picture has potency because it was just last afternoon/evening that I discovered a heart shaped eczema spot on the back of my palm.
Part One
it is the full moon approaching isnt it?
it occurs to me as I just slept so peacefully, deeply, in dreams and yet aware of myself in them/ and i am now flooded with revelations:
that mercury retrograde started about a week ago. exact.
and look what has unfolded with this one cretin.
i had a passing thought once and now it is planted: what and for whom are these negative effects predilcted, expected and vulnerable. cause it does not happen with everyone/ just some. I knew last week there were some things I wanted to do on par with my life goals and missions for 2014 that i needed to get done before wednesday last. but, engaging with others, new possibilities unfolded and i had to go with the flow...and in the midst of that...two mercury bombs. of course i think i am a mercury bomb walking and living in most cases of my daily life, but leave that aside for the moment.
this is also the time i read, since last year, for things to show up as to whether what is true and real and what are shams. i am seeing it about me. and the changes it effects.
there was a moment that i paused my dream revelry right still during sleep to tell myself to meditate and got the feeling that if i did a lot of my mistakes and mis-steps, collaborating with the wrong people would never occur.
there are more but i will have to come back when they come back to me. once i start writing, they start shfting, moving and fading into the dark as I focus on one. "see why we must focus" cause all other things ceases to be and disappears. I need to focus on just good. light and loveliness..that reading a tadbit delusional and dissonant given the multiple realities of landscapes
Love this morning. i just passed through a portal or few: 11:13
signed, Dakini
Part Two

it has been black history month for eleven days now.
forgiving and transcending the disney font (blink blink 0.o)
pause and ponder on the words of the great james baldwin.
from 1961 to 2014. what has changed? and "this country" applies everywhere..
But was has happened in addition the to continuation and morphing of conditions is that healthy responses, anger and rage to this and other kinds of dehumanization like misogyny is denied and pathologized.
be real still . anyway
strive to ever evolving more complete levels of consciousness
Part Three

which is funny, this sentence is what i just wrote someone who wished for a vacation. told them i can make that happen and do your work of getting into a new house, stocked and settled, for you...but it reminds oe of one of my faded thoughts I woke up with...the james baldwin quote above and this exchange:
Rick Williams : "Wow, this Sunday I'm doing a recital on Dred Scott and was looking for opening words of wisdom. No better description could have said better. Yet, I'm ending it with words of Peace and Patience which is our Journey in the Diaspora."
Deborah Maillard: "Hell to the Yeah!"
Maven Huggins: "Rick, your words are touching give me chills: the call for us to be radical and mission oriented on liberation yet, to be peaceful patient and compassionate, and still they bat an eye when i call myself and folk on that path, god!"
...made me think of Dream Deferred and how so many of mine have been and was in talks yesterday over afternoon wine that i probably need to stop trying to do most of what i do...for the mis match of vibration and frequency between me and people. the most simple of schisms; folk doing things for and about money only. I doing agriculture for health , love, sanity and ecological restitution. that is my activism and social change movement.
wow. i get flooded myself. and instantly sometimes led to the water source I am searching...i was going to attach the poem What is a Dream Deferred to this piece, but clicked on an open browser to use...and found and article i was reading this early morning before I fell back to sleep...i was already at the end and did not know...it reads as follows:
"Editor’s Note : please keep your dissertations, short novels, and epic fictions you call comments to yourself. You have an enormous wealth of forums you can Bible thump in… This is not it. If you don’t believe in reality, that is your right, as it is mine NOT to believe in white Jesus, Yahweh or whatever you choose to name the superstition that prevents you from understanding the human genome.
This article is for the people who are awake. I AM that I AM … And that is the person who won’t waste our readers time with your diatribes.
If you truly believed in this god you cry about, you would be out doing charitable works, not trolling scientific articles. Now go in Peace sleepwalker."
the last word.
that was the other thought I had this morning in sleep. the extent to which the world population are really sheep. in west virginia where the water is literally an oil colored grey black mix, but the officials are telling the population it is safe and good to drink...likewise the fraud producer who is spraying his vegetables with American and EU sanctioned chemicals and because they say it is okay, safe for humans AND organic, he comes with the foolishness as validation and their sham certification. It hit me how much sheep we are as to have crossed over into another form:: i would say amoebas really, though sheep are apt though they seldom move and runaway from danger, they still have legs. hm. toss up amoeba who swims with the tide i might add or sheep that stand still and dont even blink. wow
sheep sleepwalkers.
this article is good too given my comment about us being gods. when your dna goes back 338 years, what else could that be...some of us came from a long memoried long living, transcendental intergalactic stock. i would love to talk to him and hear his life story. bet you he is another weird one. just like me/meme/moi.
A Dream Deferred
by Langston Hughes
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
like a heavy load.
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