the rest of us can just learn and decipher with the information provided.
after this as the first post the second would be the post circulating about rubber in subway bread.
the third post would be the new review indicating that the same rubber is in McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy’s and popular store-bought products:...if anyone thinks any other mass produced breads and doughs do not have the same ingredient you are delusional. that is what globalization and mass production does; makes sameness, removes diversification, localization all for the aim of the mega corporations. that one world - one federation conspiracy theory.
but the best part about the post i found the all fast food link information in, is a comment from a local citizen..
Cecil Evans: "I wouldn't be surprised if Kiss using that too. I never see bread could roll into a ball like a Kiss white bread!"
and i thought that was just peachy because the post the organic fraud wrote about me.. guess what ? he used Kiss as brand and product to mimic me. Is stupidity really that complete and random? Yes it is folk. yes it is.
but i realize it is all about poverty. from day one. what are you taught and exposed to? what did you see your parents doing? how do you know what is quality and what is garbage when the system you are embedded and socialized in tells you shit is good and gold is for certain people? you never even see it in real life...i had a related thought earlier today...this dissonance between sense, common sense, knowledge and foolery; access, money and still backwardness --- to be apportioned some kind of validation and certification to promote, grow and feed garbage and shit and calling it food. we all know the world is upside down, some of us but the masses dont.. and get real uppity when you portray or show them how far down they are in the rabbit hole. no air. no light. no eyes...the picture i had was of people who are nouveau riche.. have plenty money but still living in filth and squalor. their value system never allows them to hire a tutor for their unlearning children, to cook wholesome nutritious foods for their pikney, to get someone to keep their house and toilets clean, bathrooms and bedrooms, corridors, and kitchens, yards and other assorted dustings...free. No. but betchya...they got that range rover going on...dirty crusty hooves for feet inside suede driving shoes. you can by form not class...is that what the saying is...you have money for anything but hell if you know the difference between sham and quality. the cost and price of everything but the value of nothing?
yeah. it all becomes clear
i love being down at the bottom with nothing
liming on nelson street and the san juan market pub with men in slippers with spotless soles.
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