Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Sojourn of Solo Souls and Other Artists

Darron Oye,

Can we try to get.make an offer Makemba Kunle of Studio 66 to teach/lecture at the Art school where you are at? He needs a new life? He needs new opportunity. He needs a revitalization. I am watching a friend think his whole life was of no use and value..coming to his end. Yes, i am saying can we corral all the forces to get him a good job there doing that. And that is what he is eh. A Teacher. OF long standing and of great repute> If we can avoid another artist falling by the wayside in old age...I want to do what I can for a friend. IS this something we can do??
he wrote this/
see why we need an intervention. he completely dismisses his affect on others

i read the essay.....and took time before i answered.....but i will say this....who are the disabelers that surround him...or the he has surrounded himself you truly believe that one of such stature has not had opportunities and possibilities brought before him???.....who does it benefit to see his "foot tied" this anointed man ...priest and babalao.....diviner and bringer of wisdom.....who took upon himself the burdens of his appropriated community......ive known Makemba since my teenage years.....not intimately....but well enough that he knows me......and even back then i observed a man burdened.....tired.....seeing him recently i saw a shadow....a skeletal withdrawn whisper of a former self.....and his hangers on.....thriving....Makemba does not need a new job....he needs to be set free.....even his home has become a shrine to the needy masses....he has no sacred space that is just reserved for himself.....Leroi has had aripo and now legacy house......Eddie has san sousi...this lack of sacred space.....the inability to separate oneself from this thing named life's calling is what killed Pat Bishop....her house was the same as Makemba's.....a public shrine where souls came hands outstretched to perpetually tear bits and pieces of her aware to feed themselves.....i learned from that and early one said FUCK THAT TO HELL WHERE IT CAME FROM.....the opportunities Makemba needs are away.....let him go and paint and see and spread his soul towards the horizon....a year or two in Europe....or Asia.....or maybe just traveling.....absorbing...interacting.....after such experiences the difference in him would be marvelous.....but he wont find that here....anywhere....

oh lord. feeling blasted by a great noreaster wind...;-+ i was not prepared for that. Never seen you on a podium but you are right.. some deep shit going on and i am unable to fathom/ i do know he is sad and drowning. I do know he is caged. scary and sad to observe. makes me scared for myself. I dont have that sacred space of and for self but the one thing that saves me is that no one is hand outstretched cannibalizing me. wowza. i also feel that odd awkward feeling of trying to save someone with people who know the person and situation more, longer, better and deeper than me the newcomer playing savior. kind of like get out of fowl business roach. LOL/ thanks for reminding me. you know these fuckers would never ever write someone else and say, leh we save melise. Sigh. Thanks Darron love to you

 wow. ;o
like you were  inhabited and i am just reading the written word. you would have probably slayed me had i been in your presence

i was trying to avoid asking questions or getting deeper. but who are his hangers ons? disablers?
it is that i am hurt.....i too existed like this and had to free myself......pull up my own roots and cut my branches myself......but i saw this happening to voice was too young and distant to matter....
as far as I can see there is no one to give water sustenance and few even notice i suspect wow

"it is that i am hurt.." what do you mean there. i am not clear
you know very well who they are but too afraid to say and indict.....his hangers on are they for whom his being kept in a state of being alive.....but just of benefit.....jimi hendricks had the.....eric williams had them......pat bishop had them.....succubus....those who feed on the host while insuring the host has just enough life to facilitate their living.........
this is a man the was featured at exhibits in Cannes for the film festival.....poised and positioned for the cosmos....and they all came and piled on.....i watched them.....and for his love and generosity....he let them.....braced himself and let them....and when they are finished will find someone else to ride.....
wow. i knew things were bad but they way you write about it as if it is the weight of the earth and a common phenomenon. it is like i am afraid not her or her being but the weight of what you are saying. but you know i have written about it, have you not seen? in the specific and general context. and if manicou cant take care of themselves, it is not for me to spring their trap i said....i know him...he knows me......he while i was still very young invited me to be part of his come to studio 66......and i watched and observed and stayed clear......i knew why...

in the late nineties.....i was still a starting to move around.....i may have just had my first show or been part of one......\
told me if i came to him he could help me.....Leroy and Carlisle Harris said the spirit was not attracted....and so i heeded it....
hm. deep

Friday, May 30, 2014

Love Yourself That Completely...

Marcellous Lovelace' Sunrise and Good Morning May 30, 2014

this idea of loving yourself so much, so accurately, so thoroughly,
truly taking care of one's self and interest
fully authentic and protective..
i am just getting back there
and still see i have a ways to go

i realize the last year was nothing more than the pain of betrayal, hurt, shock, destabilization that i launched into more practices behaviors and living that was destructive. just thank god goddess that it was not as bad as it could have been and time turns and tides, cycles and ends into another beginning// and that is where i am now a return to loving me as i did before. 

i learned how life can so beat you down that you stop doing that, you think yourself unworthy, the depression anguish and despondency leads you there. i am glad to see my resilience is such that i am back to the top again. many never ever get there. and there are so many forms of it especially for us women. women who marry losers and never dissociate from the experience, never make new choices, so shame they are, so inauthentic, so living for externals,. have a man at any cost, be mrs even if it is to a shithound.

the bravery it takes to look at your self the courage it takes to say something is wrong and the fire to try and dance with the demons to shift and elevate the space, existence, vibration and healing.

destructive behaviors are so many, so default . so hidden.
i see a grown man who is more manicou being controlled to the nth degree by a demon breed woman. i am fascinated by people who think someone is the gold or light in their eyes, a savior, the pinnacle of all things all worshipness and then see that same person turn into the bane of existence to the one who once worshipped them. there is something so without words there,s so devoid of emotion and it is because i do feel it is something deep dark and otherworldly. it is not pure.  it cant be. when  you shackle people and devoid them of choice apart from you that is slavery. this man is enslaved in his own home, in his own space he and his family and clan created long before this demon witch from another continent. and quite a few have learned she is not righteous, i would say not human. for the first time now i am realizing she should probably just be burned alive.. crazy talk but real for the conditions

that is another thing i see. and trinidad is a full example. folk will withstand and suffer all manner of injustice and never speak far less do what is necessary under the guisse of being polite and of society. well exclude me from your charade. and all of that is what is in this homage to being free and finding making my escape. i have escaped the behaviors that were destroying my own physical being,, but also those that harm the spirit. and those that destabilize the mind. freeing myself of people who are doing nothing to bring me to life and fullness, no matter how much they promise, postulate or protest to same. see the truth for the lies.

the acts for liberation are never ending amidst a life and existence of systems, agents and people seeking to do just that, subjugate you. imagine receiving shelter from a friend and then trying to destroy said friend.  imagine saving and making a man and then he turning around and saying you never did anything or being denied the use of something you and every resource you ever had brought it into being. psychopaths not love infused human beings are who walks and rules. you have to make sure their behavior and projections do not further destroy and debilitate your process and passing through

as we exit may i indeed have lots to celebrate
and be thankful in deep gratitude
the ancestors, guides, guardians
obviously kept me
and from straying too far outside death spirit bounds
i am back to life
clean, quiet, unsullied
and without the assorted and variety of charlatans
i look outside my own life, the places and people with whom i mingled. and see they are all sham and perpetrating.. cliques, corrals, dens, clubs, hoods and blocks.

anyway, i am glad i am keeping small and center
praises and praisesong for the solitary brave one
loving yourself totally out the fray
off striving and trying so hard

love yourself too much to have empty friends
shady enemies, false engagements, conversations of words from mouths meaning and holding nothing good and fruitful. from folk obese shuffling talking about business deals and prosperity - that is the height of dissonance..that person has neither business, deal or contract with self to stay whole or healthy and his deal with you will be different? start looking to see. start thinking. start doing the math. the pieces often and never do will add up. the puzzle pieces you are given never fit.if i really own one hundred acres of land what deals would i be looking for outside myself? what can you build with a grown up child of fortyseven. my sister is right, for all the trials and deceit of 2013 i was being saved from future demise.

i wonder now how i can ensure and make sure all my edges and corners jive up, mesh and integrate.i think too i have almost stopped thinking anyone has an answer or solution or partnership for me/ it has been a deep amusement to me but it is like NOBODY is allright. you see people-they have jobs, relationships, lives, but their entrails are hanging out exposed unhealthy somewhere . so many poseurs. and fake fixers, and fragile egos. i have stories if i told you they would be stultifying .
the country and world is full and sinking of these fragmented creations

i feel i am losing focus, but i am just being flooded by how narrow the escape options, the deluge is complete, practically and almost. it is peculiar though cause i do wonder if seclusion is the answer/ it only isnt to those who have nothing of their own, and despite education, talents, skills for a good few generous dozens, i still am bereft. I am just not willing anymore to continue my delusion thinking the answers are anywhere in this falling down broken world

#they not calling it brokelyn for nothing

love yourself that much

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Poignancy of Time

i posted this yesterday. my beloved wrote a comment. i answered. but a day later, i have greater clarity. it is neither about me, my weirdness or trying to process it, or even simply me writing about my life.. the deeper clarity is this:

facebook appears in a time and within  my life time of a deep entrenched wilderness experience, that also coincides with me or the idea of me "returning home" , at a time of anyone's life that is significant --the end of their youth, vitality of a kind, the poise before later years, the downing of the sun into coasting into twilight. All major and significant markers. I write on fb not trying to make sense of it because i have learned now, given the particulars, the context the location, there is no sense to make of it...but to document it is all..and what prompted this: David Rudder's quote i posted yesterday but only because some one soul liked it took me back to it this morning and as soon as I read the words I knew. I am just writing for dear life cause it is the only thing I have that is real

"It's quite amazing how many sensible people STILL try to make sense of Trinidad."
David Rudder

i am bearing witness to my own soul. I am creating validation to that witness by it being a public platform. kind of like the cheap version of writing a book.anything more than that is inaccurate

  • Christopher Rennie: Maven, you can't even handle your own weirdness. That's why you feel so pressed to share it with us

    *runs for my life*

  • Maven Huggins: no yes know what is one of the greatest myths here Ren...i sure people think i am writing for them, to them. and I am not. Fb is my diary. I just moved what i had been doing since 1990 in paper journals where i have fortyeight edi
    tions of them now, --moved it to fb. I am writing to myself. my posts and the ones with "see more" are my virtual diary inserts...i fully intend to have my fb record printed one day.

    and yes, In my writing I am processing my own weirdness, making me even more weird to use a social platform for more solitary behavior but i am not delusional Ren...I dont think i either have friends, followings, or folk interested to hear about my inner workings...look this morning my first post I referred to it as solitary is that.

    i have like 2000+ friends here and about fifty people engage me , here and there, now and then..

    think there is room for fantasy delusion there?

    so the pressing is to write. Not to share it
    even though i am on a share site.
    unorthodox contradiction of me, as per usual. what else is new

    dont run you are one of the few realest truest fb and real life friends on here.

  • Giovanni Swyer: Bellygazing.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Perfumed Life and Living: How Do You?

When we decide to make changes in our lives that are truly transformational—whether it's no longer allowing anger or deep hurt to shape the contours of our lives, changing our diet, our spiritual focus, our lifestyle or the ways we love—it is so much more than just a change for the better, it's a quiet ministry; a gospel that you don't need to preach because everyone around you can see, feel and experience the good news.

dareIsay things seem to be moving back to  normal

if your anger, depression, brokenheartedness; did i say anger and rage takes you only to drinking, smoking, liming, barhopping, and all done still in moderation to what was possible, and your environment, and  you do that just for a short time, say a nine months; You Good. you real all right

then if your nights of wakeful sleeping, brain on steroids, and sleeping in sessions ends and you return, seem to return back to eight and nine hour long, well, even if it is separated into a six hour session then a three hour session, more signs that life is returning to some semblance of 'ok'

i woke up fine. the second time. a call from jeffrey doing my land business.
asking if we can meet, still two days beyond, i await to see what intervenes on that that...but what i learned working with him is you really have to be careful who you give your jobs to, they may/will take the job and do it just to their own value system and limited perception..say if you send him to buy pig corn and he only values human edibles, he will come back with no corn/ or if you were using said corn to make and mix your own animal will be sitting there for months waiting for jeffrey to return, and it will be  because he felt you could not go further with your plans for how he perceived the project or the inputs you sent him to buy. but i was cool and just biding time and observing. i mostly too was waiting for the universe to direct me. then too i think i only heard from him this morning cause he wanted something from me. sigh. these local mfers.

but i got up good. and just so .after making up the bed, turning the a/c on i decided to light incense. not so much burning these days as no smoking. and went to shower. and just so..something not common ever for me to do, i told myself, "i want /need some perfume in my life. and pulled out some nag champa oil to soap and bathe smelled divine. but the idea: i need some perfume in my gave me a product idea. and after i lathered . while rinsing, i pulled some shalimar and sprayed it in my last water. more reflections. who would have some perfume bought in london from when they were in college, twenty nine years ago??? it is the trail end for sure, but yes, it is that old.

but not just the perfume, and the cutting of bad habits and living, I have been preparing to move away from people in my life and surrounding doing nothing, about nothing, serving no to little function, who cant teach me nothing, elevate me or support my intentions or dreams.. I resolved it again yesterday and feel it is the right thing to do. also too because of their associations filled with jealousy and envy, i have stalkers. no. if you bringing trash, then get out. and that shocks me how so many people make homes and living, relationships and stress, be happy, pleased, unresponsive to it...trash. i wish i can write a book. one man has an evil woman living in his house, and she does not talk to his daughters. and for him and them that is all alright. it occurred to me last night the things that i used to be so adamant about in how i live my life, is normal course for most people. if this was humbling i have no words. my destitution and lack of control has not changed my values, i was just forced to contend with what would never have been permitted before. for others, no such gymnastics, it is what it is and they all go along, mumble silently, come to blows at times, and everyone dances around this being. not me. i threatened to cut her ass and throw it in one of these huge box drains. my sister reminded me while i was here i am above all this, this is not my station. and it is true. i find that about my life in trinidad. i am around people i never was before, on a level that was never mine. but it is almost all there is. when i first landed here and met ken valley one of the thoughts i had was how the top echelon was filled with pigs, it mattered not the status, post or money. when i talk of becoming a vigilante it is not playing. this is a place full of people who wont let you be, as you design and wish, it is like they intend on sullying you and breaking you. i am deciding to meet some folk. they may not be afterward. but that was their call. sounding crazy eh? yeah. that too is amusing to me. how what was once mad crazy, is now normal requirement. after you turn the other cheek a few times. walked away in silence. try to live and let live and they still come for you, drastic action is required.

funny. maybe it is i am slipping from one kind of madness into another.
and it is okay. cause it is just me adapting. not standing still. removing all and any hint of being victim. if is that game they playing, then let me suit and armor up

and after i perfect my two, i will take jobs for yours. serious
i spoke all this in a meeting yesterday, with the head of an ngo. and in the presence of a witness, the one who took me there, "there is a brilliant woman you need to meet" . some of us are not like the rest.  we just need to find and interlock with each other.

and then after or while or for to deal with these cretins, i need to battle my engagement with food. i felt yesterday i had no sense or mechanism to tell me when i was full. it is a funny thing when you already lived at a weight that all charts said you were overweight by about fifteen pounds. far less for adding another fifteen. and all folk say is one thing or the other: "you thick" or, "how you solid so" always have been the latter, even when i was a toothpick size two in highschool. sit on you and your thigh better have some real lean tensile muscle,  you would be begging for me to get up

i wonder of your own inner thoughts. are they to build you up? get you correct? get you to happiness, the absence of wants, or to correct your momentary errors.
whatever it is, good morning twenty seven

it occurs to me this rambling seemingly belly button gazing irrelevant post of the banal, is not. it is about the various ways we perfume our lives: the things we perfume. the things we wish to correct. the paths we take to keep moving, the struggles we have and how we navigate, negotiate or get over...

Follow Nature

It is not our role to dominate Nature, but to live by her rules. Nature is never wrong.

dont know if i have not read long and wide enough but I have never seen that written and just recently I have come into that being my philosophy of life and existence: to follow nature. not man as the civilization we live currently dictates. I thought i was being all weird and original. but this is it for me. I seriously think about sitting down and committing time to exploring what all this means, and how and what it looks like; writing a book putting forth the idea.

But even within myself there is conflict and contradiction. After a bathroom break from sleep i decided to stay up to pray you know, like the old people, old black women would do , the old black women of a certain ere and principle....but what i would have prayed for does not fit into this paradigm. So even me, i got to either get straight or stop the fakery. or decide i am just going to be contradictory as it is the order and character of living in modern times. following nature is the ideal but in the meantime, i got demons to contend and slay under foot. the world would be better for their absence.
who says? who decides? who chooses? good thing I am a woman.

daybreak tuesday
5am on 05/27/2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014

What Change This Way Comes

{Apanki Designs}

four hours of meditations
lying awake since one am
in this surreal dimension between then and coming
some new form of being and inhabiting
imagining bullets to ethiopian heads
for taking their stalking to heights and levels unimaginable
like friending my directly across the street neighbor
so she can monitor how much my friend, her manicou attends, visits or drops me
a woman with goit or some growth growing in her neck
i would think to do her harm too but clearly, other energies are first in karma
i have been saying it is time to get out of barataria
excise and extricate

meditations of mental clearing and cleansings
from my big toe and i dont think in all these hours
lost among endless thoughts that i got anywhere past the carpals
far less for the arch
 in the ground below my feet
 spinned energy to my nether crown
it is clear that stress envelopes me effortlessly
like tonight where i just laid awake, eyes closed but aware of every skin cell as it traveled

i think of so many things
dreadlocks that are three year growth in one month, almost two
of my new rebirth swearing off bars, alcohol and cigarettes
that was the form and dance my depression
the clarity of knowing that i am set apart forevermore
yet, my salvation is only among them
the spells would have broken had i been out and mingling long before

tonight a woman met me
heard me speak
shocked that i am unemployed
the usual story
the spilling over oozing talent skill and perspectives
how humanly possible
and there in the answers
with human all manner of dysfunction and perturbance is not only possible, the norm and frequency

she promised to do four things for me
carson charles, angela smith. nidco vacancies and nedco ceo consultant
she appears to know real people
fourteen months she remained unemployed
but she is of the type to pound pavement
and i am the type who has always been in the concorde
an analogy only i see

like last night listening to her suggest to me to come into town to talk to her
i am so beyond, disgusted, and through with "talking"
either do what you say you can or leave me let me treadfloat
this gathering of tongues i have had enough
empty swollen, delusional gutterances that yield and land no where

i have survived broken
but i realize so my approach itself
i did the best i could do under the circumstance fragile alone
but the resistance last night in my throat, and mind
to her idea..though she did say the way to get employment in this place is novel
no doubt

i dare not wonder if the drought is almost over
but that is the chasm i sense
that is the months long call to deference, change and alter
all while i beat the drum of war and confusion, futility and persistence
things must change i told myself
and envisioned

-----i was not going to end there but i broke to go talk to a neighbor, then i wet the plants, then i made breakfast. and somehow 'envision' seems a good enough end to all this rambling...i, me and my thoughts have moved on...

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Desecration of Fruit and Life/A Rape of a Kind

the lack of understanding between beings
it is a phenomenal thing; understanding
the ability to speak to others, to explain a thing, an idea, a requirement a consequence. maybe that a pawpaw needs to stay on its tree for it to get full and then proceed to the stages of ripening. the idea akin would be a baby...we do not want them premature. we do not remove, pick or take them from the womb before they are fully formed. same and so much so fruit. otherwise they are not viable, or may proceed to some stage or state that is like bitterness, gall to the mouth, fruit of neither juice, flesh or nourishment. what is so hard about that

even if someone is so unaligned away from nature to understand if it appears that a tree is dying, as long as it is not poisoned or afflicted, it is best for that green fruit to go down fallen with the tree than to be picked and removed from its sustenance/

so a pick was attempted about two weeks ago. i explained myself. i explained it was too green. not ripe. i get up this morning and what to call such people, i said inhuman cause to me it boggles to try to communicate with someone by ideas and language and they move and behave as if an exchange did not take place, as if common sense was not intrinsic,  inherent...but then i get stumped to see and be amazed that in this caribbean flourishing ecology, people really are so stupid?

i have never held a pawpaw so hard. no exaggeration it is as a rock. the other new thing i gather seeing it up close is that it is a color of deep hunter green so now i know there are stages of green even.

and when i talk about it, no one can say, or admit, the matriarch in particular that it was better not to be removed, or that it is over green. never an admittance to any misstep, faux pas or insensibility. it is an odd thing cause it is getting me to a point where a kind of indifference steps in, one sans talking, communication, is destabilizing really, cause you feel struggle to figure out, wrap your head around talking to people who supposedly can see, hear, speak, have language skills, a brain, but yet still as if none of those things exist or are in train so it silences you. what is the use. an amazing thing to live with such creatures.

see me now writing with a calm depth or attempt to reach for my own understanding..who are these people ? what is their affliction? is opposition so strong within them?

and i am trying to appoint myself to the right orientation, to the appropriate response and what level of engagement. i can neither entangle, engage or waste time processing...there is absolutely nothing to gain. i am left with how to deal with the planting and growing of food in the yard. before this this same enlightened one, despite being about me and hearing me talk organic, took it upon herself to go and purchase poison (fertilizer) to spray plants she neither planted nor tended. so quietly i am pondering is it that I am to cease this experiment of planting here. or stop using that spot just outside the kitchen window?

but i think of something related yet esoteric to explain...they wonder why i have no interest and resist any talking conversation or counsel, council with them and it is because i see you do not value what i tell you, you do not see any value in me, you deny any contribution i could or do make, so where would i come in sitting with you to bring and build what understanding...when in small matters, you cant even take heed of my voice or my aptitude. people who dont see you or deny you are not ones you are to sit with. in some quarters they would say never to sit and sup with. but thus the peculiarity that is family.

and me here with my thousand degree of emotion and thought for any thing, all things. but silent zen one day will predominate

that and taking to letters

Thursday, May 15, 2014

All Just Broken Children

i dont even have that. i write this all the time it is one of my greatest sadness. i am surrounded by people who have not done anything of significance. of remark. none of them have not done half of what i have done. i cannot go to them to help me navigate, solve or strategize any problem in fact, when i tried, i was  told to just swallow my poison it happens to everybody (slave mentality), or people feign they have powers and connections and abilities, but when it comes down to it they are perpetrating, i have learned. and there is no one i trust, who has wisdom, life living sages who can tell me do this here, how, this way...a big part of it too is that you can only seek that out from someone after they have the goods, the truly like you and for you, and in trinidad i find jealousy and envy is the foundation of most relationships, all, even familials.

I write my sadness all the time, up to last night i spoke of it to my niece, she said to me, "you know people talk about you behind your back" and i ended up telling her how I wish i had a grandmother still living. a few years ago i was actually praying and looking for an old mature woman to fulfill such a role for me, but it is deep, it is almost like the older folk have no damn sense. i saw it all along with women, like women want to rival younger women, just as petty and small minded--is like folks dont grow here, dont eveolve...and then we all saw it in the last few days with the grandfather and the child .. there is no more safe and wizened face to seek solace and counsel..

and i just had an exchange with my mother showing how petty she is...insisting on moving anything i place or put anywhere, even a mug on a saucer in the wares cabinet. woe be unto me

and i know one of the reasons i have not moved farther in life is that i have done all i can on my own speed. there is very little one can do without an army behind you...

Many people spend 90% of their time with a group of people, whether it is in person or online; but when they need good advice, motivation, a shoulder, assistance, and in emergencies, they turn to another small group.
You cannot expect to a healthy body if you daily imbibe junk daily, and take a vitamin once monthly.
It is what you do most consistently that guides your life. ~ Sheldon D Scipio

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Oceans of Nature Only

the ocean has pollution doesnt it
amazing amounts
but it is still majestic isnt it
people surf it just the same
a crest filled with plastics and other objects

it is still healing and cleansing salt water
full with minerals and other life giving contents
multiple living forms finding life there

no one banishes the ocean for its dirtiness do they
so who are you and your provincial colonial parochial
light white predominations of who and what we should be
none are as dirty handed as you, raised by marauders and conquistadores
yet you deign to look down on others from your defecated soiled spectacles

it is the mark and way of your kind
to turn the world upside down
to destabilize your victims when they attempt to rise

the ocean
and other aspects of nature
is where our salvation, validation
and truth against the lies, they, our enemies, would tell about us
is found

(that came to me in sleep)
what a mother's day gift
be careful in whose eyes you view your image

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sho Rider

hahaha...i was told this by the biggest, lamest, most trifling grown ass male i have ever known...think the man is 63 yes, and being chicken, controlled like gmo seed, ...

but it was true, and i was proud of the accolade
how did he know it? there is a running joke. his woman came chasing after me and his boys went hanging. showed up at a panyard uninvited...she thought she was going to insert herself into our liming. i was driving. some serious action adventure stunt driving in my CRV yes. through the winding saddle road and the road between champ fleur and santa cruz. tried to duck the wild dried up witch and she followed me into a narrow side road. she thought she had blocked me in. she get out the car come knocking on the glass for her mate to open it. i just sat there and watched. i decided to just reverse car on her ass yes. reverse speeding out onto the saddle road and zoomed back into town.

you think i is joke? you have no idea of my adventures and chance encounters.
so from then, there is an inside and running joke about how i drive. about who you want driving you if you rob a bank or escaping these crazy bitch ass females you all call womin/vermin i say...

stories of lore
i feel i am a super woman for sure
on so many levels, having escaped so many tawdry traditional stories
the same friend says I am the last of the happy women...i just living my life, living and let live, focus on fun, happiness and new experiences and eh business with one, body or the other, and surely not tracking no body down . and i see them...spying at me in wondrous awe if not fear/

Charles E. Lydia Sr.:
If I robbed a bank my girl will have the plane waiting....If you can't say that about your mate your wasting time with the wrong person...ponder it..

First, Corinthia

in addition to writing original prayers and spells,
i think to rewrite the bible, having done this:

'Grace be unto you, and peace,
That in every thing ye are enriched
So that ye come behind in no gift;
also confirm you unto the end,
that ye may be blameless
For it hath been declared