It is not our role to dominate Nature, but to live by her rules. Nature is never wrong.
dont know if i have not read long and wide enough but I have never seen that written and just recently I have come into that being my philosophy of life and existence: to follow nature. not man as the civilization we live currently dictates. I thought i was being all weird and original. but this is it for me. I seriously think about sitting down and committing time to exploring what all this means, and how and what it looks like; writing a book putting forth the idea.
But even within myself there is conflict and contradiction. After a bathroom break from sleep i decided to stay up to pray you know, like the old people, old black women would do , the old black women of a certain ere and principle....but what i would have prayed for does not fit into this paradigm. So even me, i got to either get straight or stop the fakery. or decide i am just going to be contradictory as it is the order and character of living in modern times. following nature is the ideal but in the meantime, i got demons to contend and slay under foot. the world would be better for their absence.
who says? who decides? who chooses? good thing I am a woman.
daybreak tuesday
5am on 05/27/2014
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