Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sho Rider

hahaha...i was told this by the biggest, lamest, most trifling grown ass male i have ever known...think the man is 63 yes, and being chicken, controlled like gmo seed, ...

but it was true, and i was proud of the accolade
how did he know it? there is a running joke. his woman came chasing after me and his boys went hanging. showed up at a panyard uninvited...she thought she was going to insert herself into our liming. i was driving. some serious action adventure stunt driving in my CRV yes. through the winding saddle road and the road between champ fleur and santa cruz. tried to duck the wild dried up witch and she followed me into a narrow side road. she thought she had blocked me in. she get out the car come knocking on the glass for her mate to open it. i just sat there and watched. i decided to just reverse car on her ass yes. reverse speeding out onto the saddle road and zoomed back into town.

you think i is joke? you have no idea of my adventures and chance encounters.
so from then, there is an inside and running joke about how i drive. about who you want driving you if you rob a bank or escaping these crazy bitch ass females you all call womin/vermin i say...

stories of lore
i feel i am a super woman for sure
on so many levels, having escaped so many tawdry traditional stories
the same friend says I am the last of the happy women...i just living my life, living and let live, focus on fun, happiness and new experiences and eh business with one, body or the other, and surely not tracking no body down . and i see them...spying at me in wondrous awe if not fear/

Charles E. Lydia Sr.:
If I robbed a bank my girl will have the plane waiting....If you can't say that about your mate your wasting time with the wrong person...ponder it..

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