Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Sojourn of Solo Souls and Other Artists

Darron Oye,

Can we try to get.make an offer Makemba Kunle of Studio 66 to teach/lecture at the Art school where you are at? He needs a new life? He needs new opportunity. He needs a revitalization. I am watching a friend think his whole life was of no use and value..coming to his end. Yes, i am saying can we corral all the forces to get him a good job there doing that. And that is what he is eh. A Teacher. OF long standing and of great repute> If we can avoid another artist falling by the wayside in old age...I want to do what I can for a friend. IS this something we can do??
he wrote this/
see why we need an intervention. he completely dismisses his affect on others

i read the essay.....and took time before i answered.....but i will say this....who are the disabelers that surround him...or the he has surrounded himself you truly believe that one of such stature has not had opportunities and possibilities brought before him???.....who does it benefit to see his "foot tied" this anointed man ...priest and babalao.....diviner and bringer of wisdom.....who took upon himself the burdens of his appropriated community......ive known Makemba since my teenage years.....not intimately....but well enough that he knows me......and even back then i observed a man burdened.....tired.....seeing him recently i saw a shadow....a skeletal withdrawn whisper of a former self.....and his hangers on.....thriving....Makemba does not need a new job....he needs to be set free.....even his home has become a shrine to the needy masses....he has no sacred space that is just reserved for himself.....Leroi has had aripo and now legacy house......Eddie has san sousi...this lack of sacred space.....the inability to separate oneself from this thing named life's calling is what killed Pat Bishop....her house was the same as Makemba's.....a public shrine where souls came hands outstretched to perpetually tear bits and pieces of her aware to feed themselves.....i learned from that and early one said FUCK THAT TO HELL WHERE IT CAME FROM.....the opportunities Makemba needs are away.....let him go and paint and see and spread his soul towards the horizon....a year or two in Europe....or Asia.....or maybe just traveling.....absorbing...interacting.....after such experiences the difference in him would be marvelous.....but he wont find that here....anywhere....

oh lord. feeling blasted by a great noreaster wind...;-+ i was not prepared for that. Never seen you on a podium but you are right.. some deep shit going on and i am unable to fathom/ i do know he is sad and drowning. I do know he is caged. scary and sad to observe. makes me scared for myself. I dont have that sacred space of and for self but the one thing that saves me is that no one is hand outstretched cannibalizing me. wowza. i also feel that odd awkward feeling of trying to save someone with people who know the person and situation more, longer, better and deeper than me the newcomer playing savior. kind of like get out of fowl business roach. LOL/ thanks for reminding me. you know these fuckers would never ever write someone else and say, leh we save melise. Sigh. Thanks Darron love to you

 wow. ;o
like you were  inhabited and i am just reading the written word. you would have probably slayed me had i been in your presence

i was trying to avoid asking questions or getting deeper. but who are his hangers ons? disablers?
it is that i am hurt.....i too existed like this and had to free myself......pull up my own roots and cut my branches myself......but i saw this happening to voice was too young and distant to matter....
as far as I can see there is no one to give water sustenance and few even notice i suspect wow

"it is that i am hurt.." what do you mean there. i am not clear
you know very well who they are but too afraid to say and indict.....his hangers on are they for whom his being kept in a state of being alive.....but just of benefit.....jimi hendricks had the.....eric williams had them......pat bishop had them.....succubus....those who feed on the host while insuring the host has just enough life to facilitate their living.........
this is a man the was featured at exhibits in Cannes for the film festival.....poised and positioned for the cosmos....and they all came and piled on.....i watched them.....and for his love and generosity....he let them.....braced himself and let them....and when they are finished will find someone else to ride.....
wow. i knew things were bad but they way you write about it as if it is the weight of the earth and a common phenomenon. it is like i am afraid not her or her being but the weight of what you are saying. but you know i have written about it, have you not seen? in the specific and general context. and if manicou cant take care of themselves, it is not for me to spring their trap i said....i know him...he knows me......he while i was still very young invited me to be part of his come to studio 66......and i watched and observed and stayed clear......i knew why...

in the late nineties.....i was still a starting to move around.....i may have just had my first show or been part of one......\
told me if i came to him he could help me.....Leroy and Carlisle Harris said the spirit was not attracted....and so i heeded it....
hm. deep

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