Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Cross Of Critiquing

  • Shawn Nickolas Seecharan: "I must say I really do enjoy your unbiased and very informative posts keep up the great work of being transparent no matter who done it wrong will always be wrong I look forward to your future posts "

  • Maven Huggins: " thanks Shawn. I really appreciate that. know how many 'friends' i have lost. how many now hate me, how maligned I am for being straight down the middle?

    and i may have another five years of hardship and unemployment because of it.

    But i dont know how to be a liar, i dont do dissonance, and i happen to see how things could be different. smh

    sigh. so difficult eh. so your comment means a lot!"

  • Shawn Nickolas Seecharan: "To thy own self be true " dont expect your views ,opinions ,observations ,cares,concerns or convictions to be respected by everyone it's pretty obvious your gonna rub some ppl the wrong way but this is based on how they interpret the information before them it has nothing to do with you so my advice is you do your do and have no fear friends come and go it's life your gonna do just fine without the bias ones just forget them but remember there are a few if us more than u think who actually hold the truth and accountability in high esteems I respect personal opinions from all spectrums once it's making sense and you my friend do make a shitload of sense lol so let not your heart be troubled my friend you will

  • Maven Huggins:  thanks for the blessing !

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