Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Refugee: Movement of IS People

eerie scenes for sure : to see the march of refugees through dried fall corn fields, walking a dirt track, just as the reporter talks of water canons that met them at another border.

the oddity of it all for me is that i just woke up and was pondering a few things; recent meetings, the last person who wanted me to do her academic program under Academic Outsourcing/ (and as I write, a song bird begins to symphony outside the closed blinds, open windows, heard chirping in clarity above the din of the fan and variation of tones, songs and notes eh. real symphony)...i think of monday night when a friend asked me if I was distant from my professional friends and network I came up and schooled with because of my situation (unemployment, destitution, outside the margins...) and i said yes. but it is this morning waking up the idea hits me thinking too of my life and reality here in trinidad , at the bottom, at the grassroots, at the neighborhood level, where too I am so different, wrongly placed, having not one identity match; no one to relate to my life, thoughts or experiences...i realize, i am a refugee. not to make light of the world or the word at all, in any regard/ and what is on tv bbc as i turn it on with this idea...the march through the dried corn field.

it made me cry
messages, symbolism and poignancy

i then had a flash of comparison and muse-- wondering what would be the reality if these people were africans. where would they have reached? what would have been their condition. but i have to tell you the stunning part to me is the level of ability and for lack of a better word: Poverty...Africans would not have been able to mobilize the mass displacement that is this Muslim Middle East Displacement. they would not have been able to garner the resources to transport them, and over such grand countries, expansive distances.

it is amazing to me too though because as much as we see these european countries trying with their lame acts, it should be understood and reflected that largely, europe is doing absolutely nothing. there is something funny and amusing about this.. think about it. massive amounts of foreigners are just marching over land regardless of sea, land, borders, authorities, tickets or money. they just moving. the mettle boggles my mind. something deeply inspirational, so much so though it is overlooked
it is like being so low, folk are completely blind to how great you must be to so conduct. that too reinforces something i know. an experience and life reality.

***funny enough: Lisle Dorcet of Bbc is recounting the same observation: the extraordinary things people are willing to do to get to a better life..

good morning midday wednesday

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