Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Relations of Varying Orders

what was relationship post number one

family life. real family life of togetherness, function and same agenda, programming and missions, with vision
hear nah.
i can not tell you the amount of man i hear complaining about woman, their woman, or wife. i sat down at a table yesterday and hear a man take a call from his wife, he is not even my friend or associate, from his wife, he left her home to make macaroni pie and callaloo to eat with chicken that was already there. madam call him to tell him, "his chile want to talk to him" and chile tell him when he ask if she eat, she said, 'sandwich" . if i tell you how that man whole demeanor and energy change. sour. and talking to his boy that his life is, his boys, this one that one and then she last, cause he so fed up and how her two sisters had warned him/ LISTEn> HEAR NAH!!
as a single woman i does be amazed. cause i dont know what you fuckers looking for, that you get and you cant handle or close. but it good for your ass. you does leave the modest ones who dont have ass and bust hanging out, all skin showing, twerking and wining, but us who cool, quiet, old school grandmas who can heal anything you want to call us obeah and spiritual baptist, and leave us languishing. but truth is you have nothing for me and us so. and I dont know another soul like that.
when he went for a drink I turn and talk to his friend, my associate and told him that shit does kill me. Man tell me he has zero friend who does not complain about their woman./
I good. I fkg good sucking salt. i done make out the scene. man want to feel good and high but want to deliver zero nothing for it. want to spin a woman but let her ask him to bring a plate of food and his retort is "dont start" wha.
you all get what you deserve. as in politics. as home. as life. as love. or not.
eat what you put on the table
and in case you miss my point..this man with his colored hair, painted nails, and gender pushing boundaries probably have the ideal that most cant even conceive cause they have neither the tools, abilities or character to run to responsibility. just away.
selah. mfrs.. on both sides.
trifling ass women and bitch men.
yeah. it bitter/ this night
first night breeze blow in a long while
more fuel to the fire...that beautiful Kevon Smith we buried today... sat at a table only to hear his boys, of them mentioning how all the whole staff turned out for his funeral. man working gender and youth affairs eh...and man make mention how all them women from work crying. you know the next man say, "is because he was fkg all of them"....i just slowly turned my head to them and open my eye wide.
i living in a totally different universe.
this man who everybody talking about he and his girlfriend the lawyer.
;listen women. if you ever think your man, husband, boyfriend, lover is with you and you alone. Yuh Dunce for Spite . and cause. no matter how doting and perfect he appears. being out here single this long...allows you to see.. you both get corrupted and really wise for what you are privy to, rather than secluded to and in your own dream world and life
{sorry cheewah...that all of this came out of your idyllic, nothing here is inference to you my friend... just me recalling my life observations|

[Darren Trinity Cheewah: "So I'll just come out and say it my wife voted for UNC k, you could imagine living with me PNM to meh bone, very outspoken, 100% hardlocal ponging out de ‪#‎fullcorbeaux‬. She even said should I unfriend you too lol, but today I'm papering books and she's cooking lunch for tomorrow, just like the country we hadda live, we do it in love... Red and yellow makes orange lol"]

relationship post no 2
amazed to the extent the culture of trinidad is children
of unmarried parents and myriad children father and mothers
grandfather of deceased has nine children with six women
and even when they are married, like my father, my grandfather, there are still outside children and all around the same age as their marriage children.
very interesting
and you see my point of why women ought not be delusion about being the sole partner of their men, husbands, lovers and boyfriends. and you know I did not think of that as proof to my observations before it just hit me. i am not wrong. the children prove it

relationship realities # 3
people often really do not have relationships but situationships
not matter. even , despite, how close your life appears to be:
perhaps you live together, always lime together,
the right situation will alert you to the chasm and gaping hole volcano waiitng to erupt..

so i learned
my friend and his girlfriend, of over a year minimum
at the death of cousin, the execution on independence
that she has never been introduced to the family
"you did not notice i am always outside"
my mouth would have dropped if i was slack
then at the funeral
i realize in my sleep something heavy went down
and i was so in my own world, I was not monitoring dynamics, observing or knowing what i observed...but girlfriend and boyfriend were never seen together by me. and all after the funeral , and i was at the back and not seeing the family scenes in front to know who sat where, but to the cemetery, the hours spent at the cemetery bar and the home gathering, is where i noticed girlfriend was no where to be seen
there is a theme writing.
nothing is really as it seems
and only when you get inside and know the facts, will you know there is nothing there at all/ nothing beyond people's convenience and survival.

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