Thursday, September 17, 2015

Morning Birdsong

good morning
in the last four to three years, I have had very interesting and peculiar experiences with birds.

the first, was a small brown symphonic bird kept trying to get into my salon every morning. picking at the wood board that blocked off the frets and jalousies for ac. i used to get up and bang on it to have her stop. i presume she was also trying to build a nest perhaps. well after this dance of ours for a few weeks...the one day i did it. she flew to the garage cover opposite, just a mere three to four feet away at my eye view and proceeded to cuss me out, dancing, wings afloat and akimbo, carrying on like a fisher market woman. I swear. I wrote about it at the time. my cousin and i and some other people tried to muse as to what and who spirit that could have been.

then when i was farming san rafael, a corbeaux landed and the dogs was toying with it, we only discovered it because of a few loose feathers as we went to clean up before nightfall. chase caught it. we put it in the tray of the truck, we thought it a baby as it was kind of passive, not attacking, but it was clearly not its full self. I called around for a vet or sanctuary to take it. it was too late so we tried to secure it in a box up high but when we returned the next day, it was gone. flown on.

well now...i just wake up after going to bed close to seven...i emerge from my salon and hear this very long song as if it is in the house...walked to the patio, not there, to the gallery, it was there. this tiny bird on the rail, singing her heart out, i thought it looked like she wanted to nest in the bowl of cactus that has a perfectly formed circle for a bird to build. by the time i made my coffee, i hear her again, but different. this time she is at the carport door singing, and displaying. I videotaped it. you all should keep it for whenever you want to be lifted up by one of the smallest of creatures. she flew away when  mom returns.

arent we lucky and blessed to receive such blessings and then to capture on film. my gift to all of you.

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