Sunday, December 4, 2016

Iya Me Mel

Obatala, Esu, and Oshun
honor given

and she, the initiate and priestess tells me "it is twice today that I called you "Iya" and i say, "why is that?" and she says, "because on some level, you are" and i say, "thank you for saying that, admitting that" but she was drunk, and away from her ego, shields and issues. but i was glad to hear it. it was a piece of the puzzle.

and before that, she called me as we were leaving the house, to come give praise and prayers with her, and she asked for her blessings to be handed and extended to me. and while she prayed and asked, I just focused on the house that her aunt intervened and made sure her father leave the house for her.

but before that, while i ate my dinner of plantain vegetarian lasagna, rice and callaloo. on the gallery, and she showered, i heard a voice say "come" and i did not know whose voice it was, nor it was come to go where, to whom, i do not know. but i knew i heard it. but i also knew it was not her. so i kept it to myself. but it was clear as day clarion under the sun.

so when she told me that she did not know why she was led to call me to her altar, i told her. I heard the voice say, "come".

but it was a big part of my puzzle
they fight me down because i am high up.
i have lived a thousand lives and over ancient years
from when the land was under rock mountains and only sea,
and we flew to one settlement to another
that long
and there is nothing under the sun

and tonight listening to the best music at the most grassroots of studios, a cokeye sister told me as she asked me about life in the neighborhood and i say, it changes but remains the same: the people who limed, those who no longer lime together, stop being out, and newbies show up but it is the same drama and stories and she said, "the human path" and that struck me as so profound and truth . beyond "human nature, which is so much of everything and nothign all at the same time. . but the 'human path". folk will remain stupid, ignorant, regressive, ...nothing of that will ever change. you know what the evolution and transformation is? to not react. to stop reacting. to stop giving them the goat. to watch them as if they are unreal, cause they are, they are figments of their own twisted minds. i / you have nothing to do with that. and it freed me up. somehow. hopefully.

and even my benefactor Yusuf told me Friday "i am an eternal optimist; just find another way to deal with it" like not cry. not be sad, not be affected, all of that is totally irrelevant to me and my l life.

and that is what i am going to do. do me. be me. and let the lessers figure their shit out. and damn i hope they learn sooner than later that they have zero effect and power over my path and destiny.

i appear to be the least and most likely, but truthfully, i am actually the exact opposite. and that is why they struggle and suffer so much, they refuse to accept and reconcile it,. they fight it. only making me stronger, bigger, more and powerful

ase/ Ase. ASE
what a bomb weekend it has been 'give thanks

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