i did not even realize the top of the zaboca seedling even looks like a bird sitting in sleep, a corbeaux even.
so i woke up writing.
cause after my day yesterday; its revealings, emergences, revelations, i became clear. there is no need to ask for basic shit when you have plans to go to source. you ask for high and rich things. way above your hands, but within your management. you dont ask a giant to help you reach and you still asking for what your hand's length. it not so. is not so to do it at all. so i began writing and outlining the plan and vision.
then it started raining.
then i opened the blinds and peered outside.
only to see my tall avocado with new eyes of the day.
a few months ago that plant fell out of its pot. intact soil , impacted. i stupidly thought because it was atop the soil of a huger plant and pot and receiving water constantly it would be okay. not so. the leaves started to wither and would not revive. and then they dried up. almost all are still there, they are taking forever to fall off. the dead clinging to its source despite a total lack of life.
then i noticed that the tree began to grow new sprouted leaves, green and vibrant., new shoots, now arms. all of this existing with the dead and curled leaves still clinging..
and it hit me this morning. a zaboca tree will make you think it is dead. when it is not. when it is very much alive. doing well and producing. is it a wonder i love zaboca as much as i do and willing to pay any amount of price for it, as I have. I am writing and the one to one correlation and metaphor is stunning. down to being a womb, a female fruit . and is the tree a male or female character.? who does play dead the most to catch corbeauxs? males or females?
i am that zaboca, and its tree.
they think i am sick and dead when i am merely a turtle withdrawn into her shell for the right time to emerge, when and where it is safe to do so, cause bob did say, only when you fight and runaway do you live to fight another day. they dont got me though...they are so far removed.
i am living a spirit story in a human form. a cosmic revealing in an ant colony. the green and verdant amidst decay and death
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