Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Solo Traveler

Facebook is so schizophrenic
They spam themselves did you know and then when you have no choice but to opt for their choices they take a report on themselves and says, thanks.

All this while I am still sleeping but making myself awake to write this so I wont forget or miss details. but I was just dreaming about Gina Athena Ulysse...girlfriend! do you want to own a boutique hotel of some sort? Cause I was just by you, in a grand old world from like the 30s plantation colonial French style house. It was modern now times, but the house, and seem like you were dressed like a flapper wen you came out to get me settled and when i awoke to ask about breakfast. It all seemed I/we were personal home guests but then...the dream unfolded to this large garden type ballroom but i twas in a garden...amidst brimming full of fruit mature trees...and one was a governor plum tree with huge plums twice the size of mine in the yard, and I started picking them up, even asked one of your guests to help me and he obliged, no older than a young college male student..and i started to place them on a chair cause we had no bag yet. and i tasted one and it just gave me acid reflux. just now. in this life. made me get up and go drink water. and that is when i said i must write you  now.
the place was lovely, effortlessly lovely.

But before that I was in someone's Benz, I guess on the way to Gina's and  they stopped the car in the middle of the road, in the middle of an intersection, in the middle of a turn right, and a car behind me, with another young guy driving but patient...actually the guy resembled a piper in my neighborhood. when i tried to recall the face in the dream, the piper came up immediately clear as day. And he is in this convertible like vehicle that made his face look like you were watching it in a mirror, very calm, very patient even though his progress was halted by some obnoxious fat cat. So it would seem I began to drive the car from my passenger seat,, a big boat of a benz and everyone looking at me and marveling and getting kicks, and my movement was not smooth but a bit jerky and i get to a lamp post and pull to the side of the road and seem like next thing I know I was at Gina's

but the driver of that benz, got out to greet his boys liming by the side, all of them professional eh...and that one who was the con that i last met the last time i was out...he was in the dream, standing there. then he seemed to also be a guest by Gina, for he was the one, while taking care of his business in the house, navigating me to my room, to get to Gina in the morning...and when i tried to focus on the figure standing, tt was his face that came. and it went with the body

Interesting dream
benz, big houses, bounty of large fruits bursting, abundant food, friendships, easy and wonderful

good morning
Day Two Coming/

i always wonder about eating in dreams and suffering acid reflux in real life, outside the dream. that happens regular. and, I dont really suffer from ar, but if i were to eat the things I do in dreams at the times I am eating and without food or prep, I surely would. is that proof of astral travel? or is that my so direct identification of my dreams as experience that i feel it?

I think I am there. I think i have traveled. to an alternate dimension where these people are, who i know here, but different there, alternate choices realm? but who are people, a person, really? if they are the exact same in all the realms. ? Now That! That is a clue, not so much a mystery to me.


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