no. 3 : "ok then, Mavin, take this as your omen... time to start risking."
Hayden Chance: "After all these years of doing thousands and thousands of readings for people i finally realized: i have no desire any longer to do readings on how to get a job or what job to get. In all the readings I've done I've rarely seen a job make anyone feel happy or purposeful. It always just gives them some new title to call themselves; until the job ends. Then they feel lost because they don't know what to call themselves anymore. We don't need jobs. Most people have jobs and the world is going to hell. We need purpose. And the way they have the system set up, the two seem to only exist exclusive of each other."
"Cartomancy has a lot to teach us about the world we live in and whether or not we are relating to it in a healthy way. For example, in the Lenormand system the tree means health. So consider this: what does it mean to our world that we spend so much time cutting trees down? Or living so far away from them?
Hayden Chance: "After all these years of doing thousands and thousands of readings for people i finally realized: i have no desire any longer to do readings on how to get a job or what job to get. In all the readings I've done I've rarely seen a job make anyone feel happy or purposeful. It always just gives them some new title to call themselves; until the job ends. Then they feel lost because they don't know what to call themselves anymore. We don't need jobs. Most people have jobs and the world is going to hell. We need purpose. And the way they have the system set up, the two seem to only exist exclusive of each other."
"Cartomancy has a lot to teach us about the world we live in and whether or not we are relating to it in a healthy way. For example, in the Lenormand system the tree means health. So consider this: what does it mean to our world that we spend so much time cutting trees down? Or living so far away from them?
Why is a card about action and movement, the rider, the very first card in the deck if we’re supposed to spend our lives chained to a desk or going back to school continuously to sit still in classrooms and study and read books?
The cross means curse or negativity—so, what does it mean that we have placed it at the pinnacle of Western belief?
If cartomancy precedes our current Western monetary system then what did the playing card diamonds signify as wealth if not these worthless coins and useless paper? And when this disastrous monetary system collapses from the weight of its own ineffectiveness what will diamonds symbolize in each of us then? What are we not understanding about wealth here that the ancients did?
Why do the fish symbolize our career? Shouldn’t we do something for a living that is easy for us—something that enables us to go in harmony with the flow? That has deep connection to each of our deeper nature or “soul”?
If the dog symbolizes loyal friends, and dogs are the pinnacle of loyalty unconditional love, then why don’t we strive to make our lovers friends first before we try to jam them into the ring position?
Yes, cartomancy has a lot to teach us about life… We should probably pay attention to the true wisdom of the art."

no. 1
"ok--i gotta use my computer camera so im gonna hold them up; first three, special gifts and talents: durian fruit, justice, elephants. You've grown angry and stubborn an that's blocking your gifts. You have a gift for balancing things and for pointing out the absurd and for bringing people together and making them feel equal. When you're not angry you really know how to make people feel like they belong. See and know that you have this ability. You can help equalize situations and relationships and have a talent for mediating. This goes to all areas, Maven, not just social inequality. Three more coming..."

no. 2
"Sent to do? Pineapple; peach, laughter (Buddha!) To help people get over being wary and frustrated and suspicious and to get them to take risks by showing them the absurdity of their fear. You too are also supposed to take risks, to live passionately, to love and to laugh and make something beautiful by your positivity--not anger! To take risks and not play it safe!"
Maven Huggins: " all the cards are so beautiful and weighty on their own!!!"
Hayden Chance: " thanks mavin. you're the firs person I'm reading with them ;) "
- Maven Huggins: " I am in a space of trying to take risks but the ones I think of are so wild and totally destructive if i fail...they are risks I am trying without any means to support them at all...Crazy Huh. and Yes, I am trying to get over my anger that is a whole life time worth, not just about the phd or career"
- Maven Huggins: " what does the elephant mean? A person gave this psychology series of questions, one was to choose your animal, and i chose elephant "
I am also interested and will research what is a durkin fruit, looks like jackfruit this side"
- Maven Huggins: " wow. sc-are-RY" (scar-ry)
- Maven Huggins "These are the risks I have been contemplating in the last two weeks.
But with not a dime other than a credit card to do one.
1. Should I rent the orange upstairs house apartment on the corner?to do massages, cook from, organize limes, run my consultancy, live from?
2. Should I purchase the white wingroad of the guy that just died for 54K?
3. Should I take the risk of the house in connection to Mark Lewis? Is he in any way connected to my future fulfillment, prosperity, fulfillment unfolding?
4.Will Larry Howai give me anything from my 60M TT professional proposal?
Sorry, this one is critical been waiting for this for the longest
5. Am I going to work with Manfred Hirschman on the organic farm? Will that be my path to take to wellbeing?

no. 4
"1. The geese/strength/the mala you have a friend with a place to live--that's the place for now. don't cave to pressure . a little while longer and something changes; have patience and faith."

no. 5
"mummy; swans; the witches: the farm question: you are not seeing cause and effect. this partnership is greatly desired but it is a curse. your motivations are wrong and this brings bad fortune. do not let your desire blind you; be careful what you wish for or you will get it."
- Hayden Chance: " and i believe for some reason--something in this is gonna increase your anger."
"lets se what it tells you will come up in its place! " - Maven Huggins: " yes. I know I am. I just want the pain of waiting, the suffering of unfulfillment,, the numb of nothingness and burdening my mother to stop.."
- LOL'ok--step back and look, less myopically. see what the TALENTS were. the take some days to think about them and how you might employ them. START there. just breathe and stop holding this so hard. use your unique ability to see the humor in things to approach this...'
- " exactly: not seeing cause and effect."
- " you're staling for a reason, my friend. this is a gift. and i would use the time thus: stop going on how youve already defined yourself. that hasnt worked.""part of the curse comes from the durian fruit. when we're angry and stubborn we expect things to realign to how we've defined ourselves until now. it's about not having a strong identity and ego and yet--when we are angry and stubborn we cling to everything so tightly for far of losing it. Wha the hell have you got to lose."
- Maven Huggins: " if you could see the twists, turns, arguments, you might realize the stubbornness is mere confusion. Just total confusion. shocked to see that this writes that my mother is the friend. i cant tell cause and effect because between everything there is a myriad steps and I am blind in a lot of instances..."
- Hayden Chance: now this is a LOT at once. Lets start with the most important thing Mavin, you have GOT to start laughing."
- " But youve got to stop being too clever for your own good. SIMPLE. START laughing. That is a small step that will break things up--i swear, you cannot see things clearly when you are locked down. There is reason for the phrase, "Blind with rage." the liver, the eyes and anger are all related. when we're angry we literally can't see. That causes even greater confusion."
- Maven Huggins ::LOL :"maven you have got to stop laughing"
I am reading just slowly
- Hayden Chance: " Laughter will put you in a better mindset and allow u to see. u have knack for balancing things--and yet you won't balance yourself..."Maven Huggins: " i feel i dont know how ...if i ever did for myself"
- " now, remember this: that which i refer to as curse is that which takes you away from laughter and beauty and your core self. start with laughter and start to remember ho you were as a child: tricky, playful, enthusiastic and curious."
"these qualities will take you further than anything you ever learned in school. - Maven Huggins: " I KNOW THAT~! this reading is phenomenal. Trust me I know what you have written here, it is just that i have been blocked and locked in...from living it? but that i know nothing. that everything I did was all wrong. that i have no idea what to do , which direction to go, how to save myself...
I do read that i am to 'let go' and just breathe into my condition which is the last thing I was ever encouraged to do wanted to do and did not feel i had the freedom to do...you have no idea..but I take what you have offered here as gospel. you are phenomenal."Abundant Thanks Hayden Chance
Hayden Chance: " youre very welcome, Mavin. I wis you tremendous blessings."
Maven Huggins: " you have given me a load of blessings tonight!"
Hayden Chance: " glad to hear it. "
- Liza Victoria Massey: " What a thrilling evening, I wondered why I got back off my death bed for a bit LOLOL"
Hayden Chance: " LOL!" that was the debut of the black cat oracle... hadn't intended it, but it was cool that it happened..."
Maven Huggins: " yeah. you are exceptional Hayden and a kind and patient soul!"
Hayden Chance: " thank you, Maven Huggins"
Maven Huggins :" I was told by a seer once that I am a cat of egyptian stock..my character..."
Hayden, please answer one more thing for me: Mark Lewis What is that all about? Is that something real or just bs? I am again confused...He is not single. I thought we had a connection but everything shows different but i got all these messages and readings that he is my destiny. Very conflict ridden challenging, up is down situation... You can help he here since you just ironed out the rest of my life
if he's the individual i saw related to the farm and your motivations for the farm then no he is not your destiny.
no. he has nothing to do with that farm... can you read specifically for that...cause i would hate for other things to get mixed up with his reading. He has NOTHING To do with anything you wrote about. Though he is one of my questions but you never addressed it.
of the house...to get my own apartment!!! yes. that alone. yesnods head!!!yes but i am more asking you know how we can give something or someone attention that is a dead thing...like how i been giving that farm as that was to be my next job. they wanted to hire me...i was referred to them.. and now after months you tell me that is a curse, it is not for me. I want to avoid spending time and energy on him and he is not for me that is why i aski see there is a need to have someone like you in a life...to direct/ avoid mistakesi could be patient and he not be for me right
NO> someone who was helping me get a job months ago gave the owner/operator my cv. he asked to meet with me. Months later I met him , traveled to meet him. We had a wonderful meeting. He has phoned me twice to give me updates, cause they are foreigners in my country bringing millions of dollars in, dealing with the central bank, etc... so he calls to give me shifting timelines There was nothing to show or indicate that this was not happening. I even told my mother.. and i thought it would happen> But i will tell you this Hayden I can wrattle on a long list endless list of projects, employment and opportunities that were supposed to materialize and just evaporated!!! Here is another case. as is indicated. If i call Manfred now I dont think he knows it is not going to manifest
as for the man he strokes your pride, makes you feel like you have something to show--there's laughter you attribute to him; but start recognizing these things in yourself...the delay and my past. that is why i was trying to tell you it is not stubbornness...it is confusion..it is my past. My mother has not been a friend to me always but i can see she is now being... you have no idea. Nothing in my life has worked in the last 14 years. I dont know if you understand what that means...so me waiting for a job. me desperate to get my life going Just like I asked you about the other things I was thinking to rent a place, to buy a car off my credit card...my vehicle is down...I had no ideas about that.. just dreams and reaching No i did not know that was dead. the cards even show so much darkness and evil it is astonishing
logic would say i would not be unemployed, destitute and poor
have a good one friendmy life is defying logic and that is my challenge to deal with it.
you go in to bring balance to everything you touchwhat is "this motivation" ah...to bring balance...yes. that is lovely...hmmm. that is helpful...that is a winner... you have a phenomenal gift to help people. you give answers...directions. that is what most people do not do!!! YES i see...to bring balance and compassion and strength and lose myself. yes, that is what I want to do: Lose myself and my warped mind from all the trauma
but im warning you--if you lose that motivation and go angry and impatient; it will eat your face... loli seehm. wow
gosh. feel like i need to send you my first born. going to be 50 in february and still looking for children.
you have helped me cracked some real code going forward!!!WOW. i am shockedso is that my purpose in life????
seek to bring balance and to release burdens by pointing out the abusrdity and laughter
everything i have not been!1
ok--one more thing; when i sarted reading for you the duria came up and told me you were angry and behind that was this guy--thats clouding everything
me!! That guy i was asking you about, Mark Lewis is what flipped the switch to what everyone else was telling me. He has been an asshole to me but I wanted him so bad and he was having issues with me...i feel trumped up manipulated tricks..but it made me want to stop the pain of wanting him so badly and not having himit was deep and crazy . even spoke to my mom about it. she was elated...for the breakthrough... so that is why i wanted to know if he is meant to be something more or that was his job, just that I would love to be with him but it is attuned to being in love with someone who might not be good to youHayden this guy has nothing to do with the farm... but...I did think to give him a job on the farm. is that it. but I was doing the farm long before I met him But recently i have considered I need not bring him into anything i am doing.
something that clouds..."laughter cuts anger and fear" OKso much to separate it outCheers My Friend. You are InDispensable to me
11:02pm This night was my Full Harvest 8 Sept 2014 Moon

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