Samantha Rochard's Dancers/...
as she and I danced her query of me...
that question and post is the best one yet and ever
for years i wondered, who would come speak for me at my funeral?
and there is the answer. the comments and responses are perfect for that
somebody appeared to me yesterday inbox
i know not of what intentions, genuineness or motivations
asking me who maven was, what is she about...
"Good morning.....one can see facebook posts from a person daily and still not really know the person. I do not mean to intrude, so if the question makes you uncomfortable I understand.
Who is Maven Huggins? What are her interests, her daily activities?
Aside from the fact that your posts indicate you may be deep in thought often, profiles dont always allow you to truly know the person... I would like to get to know a mind like yours a little better. "
I engaged her but wearily, but you know me, an ever flowing fount.
This was the exchange. I think her lack of exchange and unresponsiveness to an extent, speaks volumes
- Maven Huggins
"wow. interesting. good morning. why are you asking now after you have been on my page so long? do you get to read me at all? Cause i dont believe anyone can ask who is maven if they are really on my page.
I am going to turn this into an exercise. I am going to post your question to see what the other members say.. But it will be interesting cause i know many people hide my posts.
And I am not offended. Even in this season of suspicion but because we have been here before
I will say thank you for expressing such a sentiment and pray it is genuine.
I have since learned this place is anything but
But tell me Samantha, truth or dare, Who do you sense, read and presume I am.? Feel free to list all. Lets start there shall we And nothing off limits. I am curious to hear
Cheers and Thanks
from your question i can see you really dont read my page, now reading it over again to repost But that is all good.
And when you decided to write me this morning...what precipitated you doing so?
Did you go through my page? My photos? my notes? my posts? the years?And your question comes on a perfect day. I woke up sad and melancholy, so this gives me a chance to check up! check in
the delving might be an excavation into a better balance for the day. so thank you"
"I have seen your posts...your thoughts over the years. But posts on such a forum have never been "the person." Have you ever had the experience of meeting an online friend and finding that the energy they give out is so much different to their online profile. Profiles are a bit misleading. Direct conversation is more revealing. I have also noticed that you are lamenting the inability of persons to look at situations through different eyes and wake up...as it were.. sadly...people dont want to....they are caught up in the experiences that they enjoy. Mind re engineering is what is needed by some..... "
"Saw the recent post...ah watching with interest and giggled. "
"yes. i have always operated fb different than most and different to the trinidad context. I hear people speak of that a lot. of the difference.
But a lot of answers came up just by responding to you
one, i am the same person, the same maven, on line as off.
first of all, Maven is a title. It is Hebrew and Jewish. I grew up in a jewish house with mezzuzahs on all our doors. In brooklyn
Maven is a moniker. Early in life that name, label and title appealed to me. Not knowing that I would become a maven. A Maven is someone who is expert in their field/s,
My real name is Melise. my mother made that name up. I just turned fifty and when I was growing up, in Trinidad, in NYC, all through my years, I was always the only Melise. Incidentally, My last name was also always the only one, among 50K students, pus more faculty, and staff
I am a Jill of Trades and Services. From my twenties, I had a call card that said that. and back then I did not do half the things i do now.
I am a development economist with a phd. from michigan state. a field dominated by conservative white males. when I was in school there were only three black females studying that -- in the whole US.
I could write forever...but i will cut it short.
that is the broad who i am ^^ who maven is: a used to be professional (i have been unemployed for the past five years!), a writer, an artist, a photographer, a chef, a conscious creative. a dreamer. an aquarian. an intergalactic, an obeah woman, a strong african an anomaly- i look african but if people can get past my skin color they would see a chinese woman. . i look african but genetically , a subject i also studied on my way to being a vet and doing animal science, my genotype and genetics is a straight up spanish woman.
women's genetics never change. no matter who their father, the mitochondria never change, so we are identical to our mother and she to her mother. and my grandmother was spanish from venezuela.
I am first people on my mothers' side. Taino and Warao on my father's side
What am i into? black consciousness, knowledge, reading, studying. the process of being an intellectual: applying yourself to materials, theorizing, musing, writing, sharing, building bodies of knowledge I am an academic
On fb and life: I am into aesthetics, beauty, food, having wonderful experiences and adventures
I write. i am a writer. I write like i breathe. I have a blog that is odd, like me.
I am odd. different. unique my life has occupied too many variant blocks and centres, and margins besides
I am a reincarnate. from past lives and even in this one. i keep redefining myself. forced to for my life. What i am now i never expected or planned; Powerless, Unemployed. With nothing, but everything internal.
I worship the earth and nature. That is my religion
I will stop now. it is a lot
i am very grassroots and people who dont know me will say i am very humble, shocked to hear that I am a doctor
But people who know me say i am not humble at all. I am a mix of both and a lot besides.
you know that personality test briggs something...on two measures, I was smack dab in the middle. between introvert and extrovert, and between judging and perception
i am highly intuitive I come from a line of healers and shamans.
Before I knew my ancestral line I had a 2K book library , ranging all subjects and topics, but there were a lot of books on being a shaman, so there is some claling there
I am very spiritual, a lot of people on fb think me crazy. for these reasons: I am honest to a fault. to my own detriment. I am authentic, I am real, I have no subterfuge. what you see is what you get.
i am sweet and people think they can take advantage of me, then when they act that way I must then get kali on them which traumatizes and strikes them. An older friend told me that< Makemba Kunle, he says I traumatize people. they think i am so sweet and maleable but then when they cross me as those perceptions always lead to that as that is what being ;nice' is about....i have to get warrior
i am a samurai ;.lol
smh I have no idea why i am indulging you to think me crazy too. But i am fearless and accept what life is, as it is, with whomever comes along
yes. i am shocked at how recalcitrant and unable trinidadians are to thinking and change. that is the other thing i am, a ferocious thinker"
- Samantha Rochard
"Not shocked....dont think you crazy....and definately yours is the type of mind that I would love to converse with...often. And reinventing yourself constantly is what keeps us alive and engaged in this thing called life. Sadly, most people' s engagement is dictated by the next holiday, social event ir sale!!!. Its wonderfully empowering to turn society on its head and stop giving into their demand for engagement in this and that....the shock from friends when I decided to deliberately spend a year NOT doing what the masses were doing. Now I am odd....strange. I thank you for indulging me....I wont take up anymore of your time. But I really hope that we get a chance to chat one on one again. Have a great weekend."
- Samantha Rochard
"That year I just decided to stop being dragged from on event to the next. Since then I decide what I participate in depending on how I feel. I sit out many things perefering to paint or read or watch a movie...a quiet corner. That year I had taken an interest in Witchcraft and was reading and learning like a book addict...devouring anything I found. However....I do not have the type of mind that likes to be pinned down by ritual. So practicing soon became tiring. But that year was so releasing and freeing. Took a few years before I could release the corporate career that I disliked. Now I paint....and learn to live with what I earn. I no longer wish to be trapped by possessions either. I see the coming years as a process of trimming all the frou frou and just keeping core elements essential to happiness."
- Maven Huggins
"well that is surprising: the witchcraft. there are some serious and real witches in this place. real powerful ones.
i think i have regularly reposted your paintings. i like themwe actually have a lot in common... when i said obeah though I meant more self power and power for good and healing.
my great great cousin was Papa Neezer from Moruga
here is another part of who I am
https://www.facebook.com/MERIKINSMERIKENS?fref=tsi have about nine or so pages of interest here on fb"
- Samantha Rochard
"I wanted to learn more about old religions before Christainity swept through the world. Most of it clearly are the European folk religions that were demonized by the Church. But I agree with the Self Power and Power for healing. Too many people I chat with about the Witchcraft are looking to control people....it certainly was not about that at all. I shall look at your pages soon."

BUT here is why i posted the conversation. This was the post of the question i made public.
Here are my fb friends responses. Not a lot. But these are the hardcore supporter love ones
- Public Post:
Members, Friends and Indifferents:
Please read this post, and give an answer...
this was sent to me this morning inbox and i decided before answering< I would publicize it to see what responses come forth. Nothing is off the table.
Say what you will. Sigh. (goes to find goddess armor of kali, and lighting incense) wink emoticon
"Who is Maven Huggins? What are her interests, her daily activities?"
Responses -- and they are all so wondrous
Shaddeck Shaddy : "meh tinks, Maven Huggins, is like little red ridin´ hood, merrily orn her way thru de forest, whistlin´ wid de birds, smelling de flowers, skipping stones orn de water....till she meets up wid mr. wolf.....she runs deeper into de forest, (which is strange tuh her....she´s nevah run from ah wolf before!)..... buh, dis forest doh hah no trees.....de trees are all maven hugginses in dis forest.....some she cyan sidestep.....some allow her passage....she knows, she will nuh be able tuh sidestep, or be given passage by de rest.......so she runs orf ah cliff an discovers she cyan fly....which she does,...... spirallin´ upwards.....ovah her grandmother´s house......."
----------------------------end comments
Those above shall be read at my funeral
----------------------me and Shaddy inbox on Lil Red- as I wanted him to explain the analogy.
- Maven Huggins
i love your interpretation of me. it is lovely and magickal and empoweringit is even more profound in its symbolism...if you knew my grandmothers...i was their child, not my parents, dealing with what i never had to run away from to survive...learning new tricks and abilities, really spiritually amazing

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