Last night I spent about two hours dissecting, deciphering and deconstructing Dyson's Ghost West article. This morning I woke up with a rally that these men need to stop the work they have been doing and what made them celebrities and put themselves to the task of fixing themselves as Black Males, as representatives of Black Malehood. The becoming of the black manhood we wish to see, engage, love, build empires and=== and make babies with. And in so doing, lead the charge of our journey back through the desert, back through the passages that brought us to this precipice of ongoing that no man ever writes this testimony again:
"Because I’ve never been an advocate of psychotherapy as a path to self- understanding. . . . I’ve avoided such therapy because I worry about how it might exacerbate narcissistic tendencies. . . . I’m not sure I know myself well enough to share my whole self with others. This, in part, might explain my volatile relationships with women. One might argue that because I don’t know myself, the more time I spend with a woman, the more various parts of myself emerge—parts that are, in fact, foreign to me. In short, my whole self surfaces, and it is precisely my whole self that strikes me as a stranger. To maintain a long-term and long-lasting bond with a woman may require the kind of soul-sharing or self-sharing that’s beyond my capability.:" Cornell West
That quote in the Ghost article is what sets this candle and flame on fire.

The Buddha Always Listens
Here were my thoughts in process, without edit or integration on the Ghost article
"three paragraphs in. and i stop to repost.
this article promises to be a study in the universality of mind prisons.
for all of us!
"love turned to hatred"
perspectives on who people think they are,
perspectives on who and how people see others
the attempt to subjugate others to our will and need
assumptions and arrogance from occupying a square and thinking it the universe or universal.
"this article is on fire.
on all corners of the globe
Ernesto Mercer:
"Because I’ve never been an advocate of psychotherapy as a path to self- understanding. . . . I’ve avoided such therapy because I worry about how it might exacerbate narcissistic tendencies. . . . I’m not sure I know myself well enough to share my whole self with others. This, in part, might explain my volatile relationships with women. One might argue that because I don’t know myself, the more time I spend with a woman, the more various parts of myself emerge—parts that are, in fact, foreign to me. In short, my whole self surfaces, and it is precisely my whole self that strikes me as a stranger. To maintain a long-term and long-lasting bond with a woman may require the kind of soul-sharing or self-sharing that’s beyond my capability.:" Cornell West
That quote in the Ghost article is what sets this candle and flame on fire.

The Buddha Always Listens
Here were my thoughts in process, without edit or integration on the Ghost article
"three paragraphs in. and i stop to repost.
this article promises to be a study in the universality of mind prisons.
for all of us!
"love turned to hatred"
perspectives on who people think they are,
perspectives on who and how people see others
the attempt to subjugate others to our will and need
assumptions and arrogance from occupying a square and thinking it the universe or universal.
just three paragraphs.
and oh yeah.
black men of power, positions, parlays and their dynamics
woo sah!"
"you also pick up in the early half of this 'brothers'? god people, good people, reciprocates...look out and prepare a place for each other, respectively, so they can climb their career ladders. you dont make it without friends and supporters, diehards. literally preparing a table for you!
"the evolution of ego, the emergence of an icon..."
"for this revelation...and take it to the universal, even though it be shows you that when they apply it to women it is an attempt to malign and deride her of power, rather than the truth of all human dealings
"Long before their ideological schism, however, West believed himself personally betrayed by Obama because of his (supposed) disinterest after the election. It is a sad truth that most politicians are serial rhetorical lovers and promiscuous ideological mates, leaving behind scores of briefly valued surrogates and supporters. West should have understood that Obama had had similar trysts with many others. But West felt spurned and was embittered.""
"this paragraph more than any other previous paints and displays dyson's star and competence. in a funny sneaky, unannounced way, but still screaming and apparent.
"West has never given us detailed comparative analyses of prophets in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, or Zoroastrianism, nor has he distinguished between major and minor prophets. He hasn’t explored the differences between social and political prophecy; examined the fruitful connections between the biblical gift of prophecy and its cultural determinants; or linked his understanding of prophecy to secular expressions of the prophetic urge found in New Left radicalism, for example, which led to Jack Newfield’s notable analysis of the movement in A Prophetic Minority. (To be fair, Newfield didn’t spend a great deal of time exploring prophecy either; but then he didn’t fancy himself a prophet like West, nor did he viciously lambast those who fall short of his expectations or standards.)"
It shows how dyson is just another west, in a different path, timeline or trajectory...something"
"by the time I get to cornel west';s video to obama, I am struck to realize I am reading some serious tragic drama between black men, amongst a clan of black men, and i wonder what is the prize, the goal and more importantly, i realize someone else needs to step in and deconstruct, decompose and delineate this thing, and I am not sure that person is not a very astute woman. Toni Morrison perhaps. I would love to do an interrogation of her views of this article"
"this article is amusing
it is about west being/getting twisted /spurned, lost and unproductive in his bitter critique of obama...a vortex in which he gets lost presumably
But the amusement is that dyson is himself reading west, in this article, in a most erudite fashion . and seemingly without the disrespect or the venom, but make no mistake, it aint a walk in the park at the esplanade or carousel. west is getting cleaned.
and here it is. the next line and paragraph:
"As an ordained minister and professor,..." the authority
this is the dozens amidst black male titan elite academics
plain talk punto pronto"
"WHAT IS AT STAKE FOR THESE PEOPLE? cause it just cant be fame"
"please lord tell me this is not crab in a barrel syndrome??!@@"
"West’s aggressions brought me great sorrow. In his anger toward me I was forced, for the first time, to entertain seriously the wild accusations levied against him: that he was consumed with jealousy of Obama, that he simply couldn’t abide the rise of a figure who eclipsed most other black personalities for the time being and who, for many, even competed with King for recognition as the “greatest black man in American history.” I still don’t buy those theories, but I do think West’s deep loathing of Obama draws on some profoundly personal energy that is ultimately irrational—it’s a species of antipathy that no political difference could ever explain. It is sad to think that West aimed at me because my criticism failed to comport with his shrill and manic dispute with the president; our lost friendship is the collateral damage of his war on Obama."
"i am sorry.
There is a deep undertow to this article. starting with the first lines and hearkening to the scorned woman, and now this line
" In truth, West is a scold, a curmudgeonly and bitter critic who has grown long in the tooth but sharp in the tongue when lashing one-time colleagues and allies."
it is a deliberate attempt to paint west as a woman
now you may ask, how and why is that part of a critique? how is that negative?. It validates this in fact as a very harsh 'reading' of the worse and least kind
it says a lot.
it is not by accident
also by the same self professed man who was walking the line to bring equality in the church by ordaining women as deacons
wow. you gotta read like you in the winterforest with the dead people"
" continued put down. putting one in their place. cutting them to size
"And although I strongly disagree with Wieseltier’s views of West’s early works, it would be fitting for West to downsize his ambition and accept his role as a public intellectual, social gadfly, or merely a paid pest""
" from the top where i mentioned that there is a competition between these academic men, for what prize I do not know...and so here dyson confirms it
"The irony is that, as highly charged as his criticism has become, West is, in some ways, not that different from Obama.""
"just what i assessed:
"stunning insight into the delicate ego of the self-appointed black leadership class""
"see, I was reading without the benefit of knowledge.
this right here. is the reason for all the undertow, which really aint undertow
"West’s attacks on me were a bleak forfeiture of 30 years of friendship;"
West aint the only one spurned, scorned or hurting here
this article is deeper than deep
a real grown ass black woman need to fix her gaze here.
the first one is gone, that would have been Maya, The only one else in line has to be Toni Morrison
my word!
"!West’s attacks on me were a bleak forfeiture of 30 years of friendship; it was the repudiation of fond collegiality and intellectual companionship, of political camaraderie and joined social struggle. I was a mentee and, according to West, who was kind enough to write a blurb for one of my books, “a rare kind of genius with organic links to our beloved street brothers and sisters."
The constant reading and signifying here is phenomenal
":In November 2012, West, friend and mentor, one of the three men whose name is on my Princeton doctoral dissertation, let me have it in the national media.""
"there is a bigger wider larger conversation going on here though...and it relates to black life. black political life. national black american politics. national black american elitism, identity and alignment
It is about who stands as pharoah on that empire
who is the prophet writing the philosophy... and who is the enforcer
and all in an insular small point above a pyramid
"It was during an appearance with Tavis Smiley on Democracy Now, shortly after Obama’s reelection. “I love Brother Mike Dyson,” West said. “But we’re living in a society where everybody is up for sale. Everything is up for sale. And he and Brother Sharpton and Sister Melissa and others, they have sold their souls for a mess of Obama pottage. And we invite them back to the black prophetic tradition after Obama leaves. But at the moment, they want insider access, and they want to tell those kinds of lies. They want to turn their back to poor and working people. And it’s a sad thing to see them as apologists for the Obama administration in that way, given the kind of critical background that all of them have had at some point.”"
See i seized upon the theme of woman in this article early on
but when I read this quote, I think of MadMen, for many reasons, now, another appears to me...
Like Mad Men, the title focuses on men, but that show is really about the women>
it also now screams at me that these men are all mad., beset by a variance of neuroses and egos, status and aspirations> and thein in the pursuit killing themselves and their gifts and products in the process
quite instructive
"West’s memoir offers a poignant and honest accounting of his relationship with women, and by extension, his relationship with Obama, who was, for a time, the object of West’s profound political affection:""
"yo. the last paragraph! smh
And I am done my exercise in reading, critiquing, deconstructing and processing using unexpected lens. I had no idea this drama had gone on for so long and claimed so many bodies and relationships
And despite dyson's reading and giving west the dirty dozens, we are none the wiser for really understanding what is going on with west
know that!
one thing for sho ...we got black men on some serious ego steroids
I personally feel free in a way that is phenomenal. I dont have to keep trying to navigate and contend with madness, cause that is what that shit is: Madness. These males not healthy. And what this article is about is the same thing on the street level, just bigger halls and mouths, platforms and impacts, but it is the same core, character and reading.. stop messing with crazy thinking you an alchemist.
you will just waste your time, your energy, your resources, your good will on bad and shit that aint gonna spring back good. (and I feel like a slave woman on a plantation speaking those last few words)
I am done. and free"
"dyson is deep though
spanned training, academics and departments from philosophy, religion and now sociology. a multidisciplinarian after my own heart"
[Verneda Lights: You hit the nail on the head: ego steroids and madness. It is a toxic mixture, distilled in the white male supremacy Ivy League factories. I've had the dime on this insanity for decades now, and I'm so glad I'm free. I worked hard for that freedom too. I should note that that same craziness is present among black women writers. Crazy.]
"wow. it is news and i am surprised to read about women writers. but I can totally see it. the struggle for something in a system that robs you of everything tells you you are nothing.. it is and will become a sickness to manage or squelch"
"so the barrel has always been the plantation incarnate then> huh. interesting!"
------------------Personal Reflections on Ghost
" y'all in trinidad and the caribbean dont know nothing about this reality, dynamic, the gauntlet , the fire and cross such experiences and the lasting effects. There is a whole body of written work , research and knowledge on the effects on those black academics who survived to complete the white ivory tower. worse yet, if you were a trailblazer. my first published article was about my passing through
and oh yeah.
black men of power, positions, parlays and their dynamics
woo sah!"
"you also pick up in the early half of this 'brothers'? god people, good people, reciprocates...look out and prepare a place for each other, respectively, so they can climb their career ladders. you dont make it without friends and supporters, diehards. literally preparing a table for you!
"the evolution of ego, the emergence of an icon..."
"for this revelation...and take it to the universal, even though it be shows you that when they apply it to women it is an attempt to malign and deride her of power, rather than the truth of all human dealings
"Long before their ideological schism, however, West believed himself personally betrayed by Obama because of his (supposed) disinterest after the election. It is a sad truth that most politicians are serial rhetorical lovers and promiscuous ideological mates, leaving behind scores of briefly valued surrogates and supporters. West should have understood that Obama had had similar trysts with many others. But West felt spurned and was embittered.""
"this paragraph more than any other previous paints and displays dyson's star and competence. in a funny sneaky, unannounced way, but still screaming and apparent.
"West has never given us detailed comparative analyses of prophets in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, or Zoroastrianism, nor has he distinguished between major and minor prophets. He hasn’t explored the differences between social and political prophecy; examined the fruitful connections between the biblical gift of prophecy and its cultural determinants; or linked his understanding of prophecy to secular expressions of the prophetic urge found in New Left radicalism, for example, which led to Jack Newfield’s notable analysis of the movement in A Prophetic Minority. (To be fair, Newfield didn’t spend a great deal of time exploring prophecy either; but then he didn’t fancy himself a prophet like West, nor did he viciously lambast those who fall short of his expectations or standards.)"
It shows how dyson is just another west, in a different path, timeline or trajectory...something"
"by the time I get to cornel west';s video to obama, I am struck to realize I am reading some serious tragic drama between black men, amongst a clan of black men, and i wonder what is the prize, the goal and more importantly, i realize someone else needs to step in and deconstruct, decompose and delineate this thing, and I am not sure that person is not a very astute woman. Toni Morrison perhaps. I would love to do an interrogation of her views of this article"
"this article is amusing
it is about west being/getting twisted /spurned, lost and unproductive in his bitter critique of obama...a vortex in which he gets lost presumably
But the amusement is that dyson is himself reading west, in this article, in a most erudite fashion . and seemingly without the disrespect or the venom, but make no mistake, it aint a walk in the park at the esplanade or carousel. west is getting cleaned.
and here it is. the next line and paragraph:
"As an ordained minister and professor,..." the authority
this is the dozens amidst black male titan elite academics
plain talk punto pronto"
"WHAT IS AT STAKE FOR THESE PEOPLE? cause it just cant be fame"
"please lord tell me this is not crab in a barrel syndrome??!@@"
"West’s aggressions brought me great sorrow. In his anger toward me I was forced, for the first time, to entertain seriously the wild accusations levied against him: that he was consumed with jealousy of Obama, that he simply couldn’t abide the rise of a figure who eclipsed most other black personalities for the time being and who, for many, even competed with King for recognition as the “greatest black man in American history.” I still don’t buy those theories, but I do think West’s deep loathing of Obama draws on some profoundly personal energy that is ultimately irrational—it’s a species of antipathy that no political difference could ever explain. It is sad to think that West aimed at me because my criticism failed to comport with his shrill and manic dispute with the president; our lost friendship is the collateral damage of his war on Obama."
"i am sorry.
There is a deep undertow to this article. starting with the first lines and hearkening to the scorned woman, and now this line
" In truth, West is a scold, a curmudgeonly and bitter critic who has grown long in the tooth but sharp in the tongue when lashing one-time colleagues and allies."
it is a deliberate attempt to paint west as a woman
now you may ask, how and why is that part of a critique? how is that negative?. It validates this in fact as a very harsh 'reading' of the worse and least kind
it says a lot.
it is not by accident
also by the same self professed man who was walking the line to bring equality in the church by ordaining women as deacons
wow. you gotta read like you in the winterforest with the dead people"
" continued put down. putting one in their place. cutting them to size
"And although I strongly disagree with Wieseltier’s views of West’s early works, it would be fitting for West to downsize his ambition and accept his role as a public intellectual, social gadfly, or merely a paid pest""
" from the top where i mentioned that there is a competition between these academic men, for what prize I do not know...and so here dyson confirms it
"The irony is that, as highly charged as his criticism has become, West is, in some ways, not that different from Obama.""
"just what i assessed:
"stunning insight into the delicate ego of the self-appointed black leadership class""
"see, I was reading without the benefit of knowledge.
this right here. is the reason for all the undertow, which really aint undertow
"West’s attacks on me were a bleak forfeiture of 30 years of friendship;"
West aint the only one spurned, scorned or hurting here
this article is deeper than deep
a real grown ass black woman need to fix her gaze here.
the first one is gone, that would have been Maya, The only one else in line has to be Toni Morrison
my word!
"!West’s attacks on me were a bleak forfeiture of 30 years of friendship; it was the repudiation of fond collegiality and intellectual companionship, of political camaraderie and joined social struggle. I was a mentee and, according to West, who was kind enough to write a blurb for one of my books, “a rare kind of genius with organic links to our beloved street brothers and sisters."
The constant reading and signifying here is phenomenal
":In November 2012, West, friend and mentor, one of the three men whose name is on my Princeton doctoral dissertation, let me have it in the national media.""
"there is a bigger wider larger conversation going on here though...and it relates to black life. black political life. national black american politics. national black american elitism, identity and alignment
It is about who stands as pharoah on that empire
who is the prophet writing the philosophy... and who is the enforcer
and all in an insular small point above a pyramid
"It was during an appearance with Tavis Smiley on Democracy Now, shortly after Obama’s reelection. “I love Brother Mike Dyson,” West said. “But we’re living in a society where everybody is up for sale. Everything is up for sale. And he and Brother Sharpton and Sister Melissa and others, they have sold their souls for a mess of Obama pottage. And we invite them back to the black prophetic tradition after Obama leaves. But at the moment, they want insider access, and they want to tell those kinds of lies. They want to turn their back to poor and working people. And it’s a sad thing to see them as apologists for the Obama administration in that way, given the kind of critical background that all of them have had at some point.”"
See i seized upon the theme of woman in this article early on
but when I read this quote, I think of MadMen, for many reasons, now, another appears to me...
Like Mad Men, the title focuses on men, but that show is really about the women>
it also now screams at me that these men are all mad., beset by a variance of neuroses and egos, status and aspirations> and thein in the pursuit killing themselves and their gifts and products in the process
quite instructive
"West’s memoir offers a poignant and honest accounting of his relationship with women, and by extension, his relationship with Obama, who was, for a time, the object of West’s profound political affection:""
"yo. the last paragraph! smh
And I am done my exercise in reading, critiquing, deconstructing and processing using unexpected lens. I had no idea this drama had gone on for so long and claimed so many bodies and relationships
And despite dyson's reading and giving west the dirty dozens, we are none the wiser for really understanding what is going on with west
know that!
one thing for sho ...we got black men on some serious ego steroids
I personally feel free in a way that is phenomenal. I dont have to keep trying to navigate and contend with madness, cause that is what that shit is: Madness. These males not healthy. And what this article is about is the same thing on the street level, just bigger halls and mouths, platforms and impacts, but it is the same core, character and reading.. stop messing with crazy thinking you an alchemist.
you will just waste your time, your energy, your resources, your good will on bad and shit that aint gonna spring back good. (and I feel like a slave woman on a plantation speaking those last few words)
I am done. and free"
"dyson is deep though
spanned training, academics and departments from philosophy, religion and now sociology. a multidisciplinarian after my own heart"
[Verneda Lights: You hit the nail on the head: ego steroids and madness. It is a toxic mixture, distilled in the white male supremacy Ivy League factories. I've had the dime on this insanity for decades now, and I'm so glad I'm free. I worked hard for that freedom too. I should note that that same craziness is present among black women writers. Crazy.]
"wow. it is news and i am surprised to read about women writers. but I can totally see it. the struggle for something in a system that robs you of everything tells you you are nothing.. it is and will become a sickness to manage or squelch"
"so the barrel has always been the plantation incarnate then> huh. interesting!"
------------------Personal Reflections on Ghost
" y'all in trinidad and the caribbean dont know nothing about this reality, dynamic, the gauntlet , the fire and cross such experiences and the lasting effects. There is a whole body of written work , research and knowledge on the effects on those black academics who survived to complete the white ivory tower. worse yet, if you were a trailblazer. my first published article was about my passing through
"when I
applied to graduate school in 1984 and helped me to land at his alma
mater Princeton, where he had been the first black student ever to earn a
doctorate in philosophy, and where I became the second black student to
earn a doctorate in religion.""
""...and the decolonization of Third World countries..."
""...and the decolonization of Third World countries..."
what countries would that be????""
"who knew. take this to the universal : not about West, but
not just women get spurned, scorned and thrown away, huh?
"who knew. take this to the universal : not about West, but
not just women get spurned, scorned and thrown away, huh?
"Long before their ideological schism, however, West believed himself
personally betrayed by Obama because of his (supposed) disinterest after
the election. It is a sad truth that most politicians are serial
rhetorical lovers and promiscuous ideological mates, leaving behind
scores of briefly valued surrogates and supporters. West should have
understood that Obama had had similar trysts with many others. But West
felt spurned and was embittered.""
reading and wondering..
do i suffer from the "blame the victim syndrome" ??????"
"not polite discourse"
Makes me think and reflect on my self.
cautionary tale!!!
do i suffer from the "blame the victim syndrome" ??????"
"not polite discourse"
Makes me think and reflect on my self.
cautionary tale!!!
i am in great company
="late in his career King, too, “began to give full vent to his rage.”
="late in his career King, too, “began to give full vent to his rage.”
"told you. WOMEN
here is THE gem from the article
This here is the very and sole, soul reason we have problems with the men, the brothers. they peep, spy and are exposed to aspects of themselves never before encountered and it scares the shit out of them so we get madness from them, and all other manner of shit and trauma. this right here
the ongoing woman theme
: the ongoing scorned woman theme
The ongoing theme of west as woman scorned
"West’s fears of his narcissistic tendencies seem to have come true in his fight with President Obama. Hedges also used the language of the jilted lover in describing West, noting that he “nurses, like many others who placed their faith in Obama, the anguish of the deceived, manipulated, and betrayed.” West admitted to Hedges in their interview that he went “ballistic” about Obama because he had been “thoroughly misled”; or, put differently, he was crushed that Obama had ideologically cheated on him."
: the ongoing scorned woman theme
The ongoing theme of west as woman scorned
"West’s fears of his narcissistic tendencies seem to have come true in his fight with President Obama. Hedges also used the language of the jilted lover in describing West, noting that he “nurses, like many others who placed their faith in Obama, the anguish of the deceived, manipulated, and betrayed.” West admitted to Hedges in their interview that he went “ballistic” about Obama because he had been “thoroughly misled”; or, put differently, he was crushed that Obama had ideologically cheated on him."
This here is the very and sole, soul reason we have problems with the men, the brothers. they peep, spy and are exposed to aspects of themselves never before encountered and it scares the shit out of them so we get madness from them, and all other manner of shit and trauma. this right here
"Because I’ve
never been an advocate of psychotherapy as a path to self-
understanding. . . . I’ve avoided such therapy because I worry about how
it might exacerbate narcissistic tendencies. . . . I’m not sure I know
myself well enough to share my whole self with others. This, in part,
might explain my volatile relationships with women. One might argue that
because I don’t know myself, the more time I spend with a woman, the
more various parts of myself emerge—parts that are, in fact, foreign to
me. In short, my whole self surfaces, and it is precisely my whole self
that strikes me as a stranger. To maintain a long-term and long-lasting
bond with a woman may require the kind of soul-sharing or self-sharing
that’s beyond my capability.:"
and the other wenches out of their nasty bitterness will tell you you dont know how to keep a relationship. Yeah you damn skippy, i am not a door mat or toilet to keep my lid down so i can say, I got a man; while he runs the street, women, men and all other vices of denial.
that article gets an award. that is the code, the key and the answer to all our troubles. right there.
West said that@!"
"I just read an article
and dyson and west just wrote us black women our freedoms
"West’s narcissism in this matter is not exemplified by his sense of being jilted but in the way he has personalized his grief. "
and the other wenches out of their nasty bitterness will tell you you dont know how to keep a relationship. Yeah you damn skippy, i am not a door mat or toilet to keep my lid down so i can say, I got a man; while he runs the street, women, men and all other vices of denial.
that article gets an award. that is the code, the key and the answer to all our troubles. right there.
West said that@!"
"I just read an article
and dyson and west just wrote us black women our freedoms
"West’s narcissism in this matter is not exemplified by his sense of being jilted but in the way he has personalized his grief. "
dont personalize these men, their traumas, their griefs or yours in
fact, after these two quotes. all grief about these males should cease.
New Life Moon, INdeed"
New Life Moon, INdeed"
" this is all so amusing too.
this is just Biggy and Tupac.
the brotherly war all over again
Something deeply and perturbly* wrong with us"
-----the most personal and profound =of all -- Sandra Batie, my Advisor's Treachery of MY Stardom
""All of this has left Dyson wondering if West was ever happy for anyone’s success—Obama’s or otherwise. On a personal note, Dyson’s has made a name for himself under the mentorship of West.
But with each success Dyson mounted, he says, there seemed to be a simmering passive-aggressiveness from West."
I read that on the dyson west fiasco and I am brought/taken to Sandra Batie's it that her treachery of me when I stood set to take the first time ever newly created position as Representative for my field in Agricultural Economics at no where less than the DC Capitol as if The Head of National Lobby for the field of study...
this is just Biggy and Tupac.
the brotherly war all over again
Something deeply and perturbly* wrong with us"
-----the most personal and profound =of all -- Sandra Batie, my Advisor's Treachery of MY Stardom
""All of this has left Dyson wondering if West was ever happy for anyone’s success—Obama’s or otherwise. On a personal note, Dyson’s has made a name for himself under the mentorship of West.
But with each success Dyson mounted, he says, there seemed to be a simmering passive-aggressiveness from West."
I read that on the dyson west fiasco and I am brought/taken to Sandra Batie's it that her treachery of me when I stood set to take the first time ever newly created position as Representative for my field in Agricultural Economics at no where less than the DC Capitol as if The Head of National Lobby for the field of study...
Is it that she
could not envision someone she trained her junior taking up the height
of such a position? that it was just personal jealousy and envy, worse
yet from a black hen???WOW"
" just like Baties recommendation of me:
"Dyson recalled a time earlier in his career when a weekly Philadelphia newspaper was doing a cover story on him and he asked if West would contribute to the story, which was bound to have critical momentum. He was hoping for words of encouragement and positivity from a peer, but what he got was backhanded compliments and criticism."
similarly, it was when I was already chosen for the post, had sailed through all the previous guardrails and gates, that they insisted speaking to my "advisor" that sandra batie came in and blew that to smithereens. i swear every time i write it now I seethe, cause only now am i seeing in hindsight the magnitude of the thing. you know things happen and you feel you are big and capable enough to transcend it, only for you to have journeyed along to find that untrue. well. yeah. that. here i am. and i map it all back to that.
then what is worse I had family members tells me that it was what i did wrong, or my inability in social relations. their dumb and unexposed, having no clue of these type games, chess or empire challenges. sigh.
"“Oh, ‘Dyson’s a rhetorical genius,’ West said, ‘but has tilts of self-interest and aggrandizement,’” Dyson recalled. “This is my recommender. This is my reference writer. [West said] Dyson is a genius and he goes on, rhetorical, but sometimes you want him to, say, ‘Put a period on it.’”"
" i understand so much more now, but at such a high cost and so much loss that i wonder if it can ever be regained.
"“Is this jealousy? Is this extended resentment? Feeling that your day has passed, that your moment is gone? That your life no longer shines as bright and you don’t see yourself as an elder statesman that’s able to embrace the coming of others?” Dyson said. “These things have been developing longer than Obama and his presidency.”"
" just like Baties recommendation of me:
"Dyson recalled a time earlier in his career when a weekly Philadelphia newspaper was doing a cover story on him and he asked if West would contribute to the story, which was bound to have critical momentum. He was hoping for words of encouragement and positivity from a peer, but what he got was backhanded compliments and criticism."
similarly, it was when I was already chosen for the post, had sailed through all the previous guardrails and gates, that they insisted speaking to my "advisor" that sandra batie came in and blew that to smithereens. i swear every time i write it now I seethe, cause only now am i seeing in hindsight the magnitude of the thing. you know things happen and you feel you are big and capable enough to transcend it, only for you to have journeyed along to find that untrue. well. yeah. that. here i am. and i map it all back to that.
then what is worse I had family members tells me that it was what i did wrong, or my inability in social relations. their dumb and unexposed, having no clue of these type games, chess or empire challenges. sigh.
"“Oh, ‘Dyson’s a rhetorical genius,’ West said, ‘but has tilts of self-interest and aggrandizement,’” Dyson recalled. “This is my recommender. This is my reference writer. [West said] Dyson is a genius and he goes on, rhetorical, but sometimes you want him to, say, ‘Put a period on it.’”"
" i understand so much more now, but at such a high cost and so much loss that i wonder if it can ever be regained.
"“Is this jealousy? Is this extended resentment? Feeling that your day has passed, that your moment is gone? That your life no longer shines as bright and you don’t see yourself as an elder statesman that’s able to embrace the coming of others?” Dyson said. “These things have been developing longer than Obama and his presidency.”"
"before the barrel there was the plantation
but therein the rub
cause that barrel held the pork innards
on the plantation.
"before the barrel there was the plantation
but therein the rub
cause that barrel held the pork innards
on the plantation.
you see. we never left. it never ended.
we just shifted to different quarters of the estate."
It Attracts you to Attack yourselves
It Builds you to Break yourselves
It Creates you to Crush yourselves
It Develops you to Destroy yourselves
It Employs you to Empty yourselves
It Fields you to Fight yourselves
It Grants you to Grinds yourselves
It Has you to Hate yourselves
It Illiterate you to Illtreat yourselves
It Justifies you to Jealous yourselves
It Keeps you to Kill yourselves
It Leads you to Leave yourselves
It Minds you to Murder yourselves
It Needs you to Nail yourselves
It Organises you to Oppress yourselves
It Plans you to Pity yourselves
It Qualifies you to Question yourselves
It Rights you to Rob yourselves
It Shows you yo Shackle yourselves
It Teaches you to Torment yourselves
It understands you to Undermine yourselves
It Validates you to Void yourselves
It Wins you to Weaken yourselves
It Xplains you to Xpose yourselves
It Yes you to Yield yourselves It Zooms you to Zero yourselves.......d*U*b wise"]
we just shifted to different quarters of the estate."
PrinceShoni Wa Ha Rabada:
It Attracts you to Attack yourselves
It Builds you to Break yourselves
It Creates you to Crush yourselves
It Develops you to Destroy yourselves
It Employs you to Empty yourselves
It Fields you to Fight yourselves
It Grants you to Grinds yourselves
It Has you to Hate yourselves
It Illiterate you to Illtreat yourselves
It Justifies you to Jealous yourselves
It Keeps you to Kill yourselves
It Leads you to Leave yourselves
It Minds you to Murder yourselves
It Needs you to Nail yourselves
It Organises you to Oppress yourselves
It Plans you to Pity yourselves
It Qualifies you to Question yourselves
It Rights you to Rob yourselves
It Shows you yo Shackle yourselves
It Teaches you to Torment yourselves
It understands you to Undermine yourselves
It Validates you to Void yourselves
It Wins you to Weaken yourselves
It Xplains you to Xpose yourselves
It Yes you to Yield yourselves It Zooms you to Zero yourselves.......d*U*b wise"]
"this article is on fire.
on all corners of the globe
Ernesto Mercer:
"This has got some sand. Some. Too bad it is written by a two bit
psuedointellectal, ambulance chasing, bandwagon driving, pompous
buffoon. Cornel West may have been tripping on a couple of things but
Michael Eric Dyson aint never been fit to give him a shoeshine with his
tongue. How much the New Republic pay? They paid too much.""
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